Siege of Tralunar IV

Tralunar IV is a habitable planet located in the Ilioneus galaxy owned by the Hyperion Federation.   The world was attacked by the HEX Mainframe during the first HM-HF War. Notably, the HM deployed a number of Falguruts. This is where the HF first discovered that they were mostly biological rather than mechanical. The HM began by deploying heavier forces to the world via shuttle and newly built falguruts to the planet. Knowing something was up with these 'vehicles', the HF preferred to look for weaknesses. During this time, the HM launched successful blitzes as the HF defenders could not select a viable weapon against them as even AT weapons did not typically destroy them as there was no ammo inside the turret. They did find out during these attacks though, that these were no machines... They were biological.   The HF forces then had to adapt but could better counter them now. They attempted deployment of biological and chemical weapons and although the former was more effective against enemy infantry, only the latter had any real effect on the falguruts themselves. They replaced many explosive warheads with napalm that entered the organs and burned them from the inside. This saw more effectiveness, so he fulguruts evolved to withstand this new threat better. Now many of the organs were of a more heat resistant material. By this point the HM has already taken over about 1 7th of the planet.   However although deployed out of desperation, the chemical warfare was seen as a war crime by the Hyperion Ethics Committee, which caused a small civil war between HF forces on the planet, but they made sure that the HM threat was the focus. The war costed the HF about as much as it did the HM. The HF deployed a lot of mines, intending for the falguruts to drive over them but only a few were mobility-killed before they started using metal detectors. The HM continued their attack, assimilating hyperion civilians as they go (although most managed to retreat). The advance slowed down though as the HF started fielding more and more of a wide variety of weapons to kill falguruts.   The falguruts began to also evolve and become more diverse. Some have managed to turn into aircraft to avoid most other weapons able to kill falguruts. The HF was then forced to develop anti air weapons for this purpose. The HF was also able to launch a counteroffensvie though. Hoping to gain the offensive, the HF military launched a huge force and suceeded using their very high morale and highly powerful weapons. Every soldier knew that if they were defeated, it could mean the deaths of everyone on the planet.   WIP
Conflict Type


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