Suon Genetic Engineering

No member of the Hyperion Federation does genetic engineering anymore on ground of ethics. Today, they learn from one member of the Federation, the Rih’kiel Remnant, who were nearly wiped out due to having developed many technologies that are banned by the Federation. Such as genetic engineering.   However, the Suon race, before knowing about the Rih'kiel, decided to grow genetically engineered and modified suons. Tastein is the only major nation of the Tebburus Unification War that didnt do this. These people are now called super suons, but only very few remain. Their offspring inherited some, but not all of this ability, but it eventually spread to much of the race, giving some modern suons a very slight genetic advantage over the first ones depending on their ancestry. They were also engineered to be passed on more easily. Some genes that were passed down include:
  • Water Gene – makes it possible to breathe underwater with gills and lungs in combo. Also gives them webbed fingers to make swimming easier. Also significantly increases the crush depth. This gene was created by Flaybia (underwater nation) to make living underwater easier for its people.
  • Fire Gene – Makes the suon far more heat resilient. While they will still burn in lava, they can live near volcanoes much more safely. This gene was created by Ooblar to make living in its many very hot lands more efficient.
  • Ice Gene – The body is very resistant to low temperature. Almost all body parts have an equal and very low freezing point, but if they did get frozen, which typically happened in specific weather, the bodies are designed to do so rapidly, painlessly and with minimal damage. The process of thawing out is similarly efficient. This way, the suon effectively sleeps through the weather. If they did not thaw out, a rescue team had to be sent. As many lives were previously lost to the extremely cold climate of northern Eprus, the gene was developed by that nation to save lives from it.
  • Air Gene - Allows the person to fly in some areas. The area must have a Taidakic Field. Also gives the person wings.
  • Strength Gene – Makes the suon significantly stronger
  • Luminescence Gene – Makes it possible to consciously control the intensity of the bioluminescence, this gene was created by various mining companies to provide light without torches
  • Docile gene – Makes the suon extremely docile and willing to follow orders. Created by Jeskuar to give them willing slaves.
  • Some genes were formed naturally by process of evolution. These were nowhere near as powerful as the engineered ones, though. Natural Water Gene – Allows breath underwater (gills). Much slower on land. Natural Underground Gene – Removes the body clock completely. They go to sleep after a period of time of being awake, leading them to sleep at seemingly random times. Natural Fire Gene – Makes the suon resistant to heat, but weaker physically and weakness to cold.
    Note: This is not a reference to the Greek elements (fire, earth, water, air).


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