Luminescence Suon

A Special gene of Suons allowing the affected person to control the intensity of their own bioluminescence.   There is a chemical in the blood which is responsible for the bioluminescence of a suon. Although in most people this chemical cannot be controlled by the sentient mind, luminescence suons can. Furthermore, they can do it more quickly and effectively than base suons.    They can stop themselves from bioluminessing at all, as well as increase it to much higher levels allowing them to easily navigate an otherwise dark room.    The persons emotions will still have an effect, however, when trained this can be eliminated. This can also be exploited for deception; as many can read base suons emotions from the normally uncontrollable bioluminescence. In some cases, it could effect the outcome of a war. A luminescence suon can play dead if they stop bioluminessing.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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