Tralais I Superfortress

A very large and powerful fortress built into and disguised as an asteroid orbiting Tralais I.   It is large enough to almost be classified as a dwarf planet by some. The Tralais I Superfortress is armed with multiple arrays of missile tubes, a large number of particle cannons and even a shipyard. Although this shipyard is subject to gravity, the super fortress is not extremely large so the observed gravitation is not as intense as any planet. It is about 0.5 m/s^s. There are even counterintelligence efforts attempting to keep it hidden.   The surface of the superfortress is, of course, extremely hot as it remains close to the stars of the binary Tralais System. It has a small living population, all of whom serve important roles in keeping the fortress maintained. This was done in attempts to preserve its secrecy. Partly by using propaganda and partly making sure there is no way out, the Grand Artanat Empire has managed an incredible protocol follow rate. The fortress goes all the way down to the core. As such, it has been entirely mined out which presents a problem as supplying the planetoid with material would damage the secrecy of the fortress, so it has been made entirely self sustaining. The culture separated from that of the rest of the GAE, and now they have a population into the millions. Should this continue for an extremely long time, they might forget that the GAE exists entirely or even speciate.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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