Tralais I

Large, hot gas giant in the Tralais System, owned by the Grand Artanat Empire.   Tralais I is hot due to its close distance to the parent stars. Although it orbits the langrange point between them, there are other, hotter worlds in the system that orbit only a single star at a very short radius. As those worlds are not counted in the planetary naming scheme, Tralais I has been given the designation I.   This planet, like most gas giants in the system, has a large ring and several moons. The moons feature a large amount of lava and magma, with some being hotter due to the thick atmosphere. However, Tralais I has a particularly large ring. This means that the rings are actually more lucrative than the planets, though the planets are still highly valuable and are also mined because they are lava worlds. The asteroid ring is also used for production. There are a large number of shipyards hidden in the asteroid fields, as well as a large number of powerful defence platforms. If an enemy force approaches Tralais I, the asteroid bases will attempt to catch the enemy by surprise.
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