Void World

A very strange and rare class of planets (there is only 1 known) that are filled with many dark anomalies. The Void World is located naer the center of the VE-17G galaxy.   The Void World, quite notably, are known to seemingly vanish sometimes. This happens randomly, but it averages out to once every 10 years. However, the period that the Void World vanishes for is equal to exactly 1 year. Sometimes, it vanishes while there are people on the world, in which case, they will return when the world returns. Mysteriously, anyone who vanishes because of this say that nothing of note has happened - they only see the rest of the world suddenly advancing 1 year into the future immedately. The dark anomalies are many and varied - including signs of ghosts, shadows that are not seemingly caused by any object, floating black spheres and sometimes a black coloured fog that is harmless to breathe regardless of species. However, it could not be investigated closely as there seems to be a layer in the crust that prevents all information being transmitted through it. This layer has blocked all forms of drilling and scans into the mantle and core. As such, everything under the crust is entirely unknown.
  This barrier has even resisted all attempts by the Pyre of Stars to understand it. They have yet to explain why the Pyre cannot see past this horizon in any theory.
  There are also a certain material on the world that has not been found on any other. When this metal cools down from a liquid state, it can form large spikes in some specific instances. This is also unexplained, but there are theories.
The Hyperion Federation has many theories to attempt to explain this world. Of course, their most popular theory is that it was caused by a precursor artifact. This precursor artifact is most likely located under the crust as it has not been seen yet.
The 2nd most popular theory is that an undiscovered microbial organism could cause the shadows. It is thought that these going into reproductive seasons caused the vanishes to avoid predatation, and also explains many of the other phenomenon on the world. As the event barrier under the crust implies that the cause might be under the crust, a number of versions of the theory have been suggested, such as the microbe having some sort of rock tunelling capability, and that they feed off heat from the mantle or reproduce in it.
Thirdly, the metal found on the Void World could be alive. It is not known what causes it to mess with light like that, but whatever it does could be responsiile for the planet seemingly vanishing in a probably very complex illusion.
  However, due to the location of the galaxy, no faction can stake any strong claim on the planet despite its scientific value, as it is located quite far from other factions.     Spoiler
In reality, this is the planet that The Anomaly is located on. The Anomaly keeps itself unknowable, and Archo - Form untrackable. Some more wild scientists might have suggested a similar theory, but it would be a much lesser known and more unpopular theory.


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