
An evil god in ounan mythology.   Zakkahan seeks to destroy everything on Zeta Ounous III to rid the planet of all sinners, but is kept at bay by several other gods in heaven, leading to occasional battles in heaven. These gods sometimes summon starships for them to study, causing them to fall from the sky. In their belief though, most of the wreckages were destroyed in the war rather than being summoned. There are many who seek to be spared by Zakkahan though. These people often become the cultists that are almost constantly at war with the rest of their own species and causing population and technological declines. They often paint themselves as well as everything around them white with red stripes, and etch universal symbols of Zakkahan everywhere. This helps non-cultists to very easily identify cultusts and cultist assets though, which can be an advantage in battle.   Despite his evil tendencies though, he has a polite attitude to the wars, even to his enemy. This confuses many, but also means that he doesnt fight as well as he physically can. Zakkahan is also known to be an extreme perfectionist. As far as the civilization can tell, every one of his 'magic heaven boats' are absolutely perfect in every way, and Zakkahan also has an attention to detail, every material used to an incredible degree of precision. As most Cypher Dominion ships tend to be red and white, the civilization presumed Zakkahan to be coloured in a similar way. They pictured him to be mostly a glowing red core inside a bright white suit of armour made from the material. This is why they paint everything white and red.   The cultures here see Cypher Dominion ships as Zakkahan's own forces, and they see Hyperion Federation and HEX Mainframe ships as force of other gods who defend their species.


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