Zeta Ounous III

Planet in the Zeta Ounous System that is inhabited by a primitive civilization.   Zeta Ounous III is mostly covered in jungle, but the planet has several large bodies of water dotted around. It has a decently strong magnetosphere and a lot of natural resources that the civilization is currently not large enough to fully exploit yet. It has a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere and surface temperature that is safe for human life, so it might be possible for humans to survive on this world without advanced equipment.   They appear to be in the midst of a medieval-equivalent age, except they have managed to synthesize a lot of metal and use that almost as much as wood. This gives a lot of the objects they built exceptional strength for a primitive world (obviously it wouldnt stand to major faction gunfire). However, due to various battles between star nations very far from this world, their cultures were interfered with. Despite its simple technology, they have managed to detect some space battles (Especialy since some wreckages have crashed into their world) and interpreted these as battles between gods, some of which were not very nice. This has ended with some religious cults becomming large enough to turn into full nations and conquer parts of the globe. These religions would very often perform sacrifice rituals which became one of the leading causes of death.
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