Zakkahan's Icon

Religious icon carried by almost all cultists of the Zeta Ounous III Civilization as an icon of Zakkahan.   The Zakkahan Icon is typically made from some metal or wood material. It is painted with red and white, the colours of the CD, and very closely resembled the starship emblem of the Cypher Dominion. These are commonly placed on their assets as well. It is commonly thought that the closer that one can replicate the emblem appearance, the closer one can be to salvation. And that every emblem on every CD wreckage is exactly the same down to the atomic scale (well, their science hasnt advanced to that point but still), assuming they havent been ruined on re-entry.   In some ceremonies of the cultists, every participant is required to bring their icons. If one is found without it, they are sacrificed. Everyone speaks an oath to protect their icons, so even just a damaged one could cause suspicion. Sometimes, these rituals involve placing their icons in various locations, often getting down on one knee facing the icon placed on the ground or a wall.   For anyone outside of the cults, the icons are to be destroyed immediately. They are aware that this could damage the religion nations (by population reduction) and possibly even cause civil war if done in mass. This strategy has played a part in the continued existence of the civilization. Anyone with these icons are immediately arrested on sight if they are not trying to destroy it. As such, these icons present the single most important cultural symbol to almost half the planet, but to the other half, it is viewed as a major weak point that they can attack and possibly critical to the war effort.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic


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