Zeta Ounous System

Star system in the Iron Fist galaxy.   The Zeta Ounous system is best known for the primitive faction inhabiting one of the worlds, Zeta Ounous III. This is one of the few primitive civilizations that were not entirely destroyed during various wars for the Iron Fist galaxy. Various space battles in the system did, however, interfere with their society and culture. The system is primarily fought over between the Hyperion Federation and Cypher Dominion, though the HEX Mainframe has become involved in a few battles. So far, the HF has managed to secure safety for the primitive civilization.   The Zeta Ounous star itself is a typical class G star, optimal for sentient life. The system contains 1 lava planet, 2 highly toxic planets, 1 habitable planet, 1 terraformable planet, 3 gas giants, 2 ice giants and 4 extremely cold planets. All of these planets have wreckages from the various battles (even those that fell into the gas giant can often survive the crushing atmosphere) so some factions have opted to salvage the wreckages and use the materials for their own starships and ammunition.
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