Demon | Thicket of thorns


The first demons were the angels who rebelled against the idea of a god who denies glory to the first and most beautiful of Its creations in favour of deeply flawed apes. Humanity seems responsible for the growth of the Thicket of Thorns and it can actively choose to go against its own nature. On the other hand, the angels always strove for perfection and had dedicated literally aeons in complete servitude. If that servitude wasn't valued at all, why would they provide it? Any thoughts like this were suppressed and shunned as heretical. Eventually, the brightest light in Heaven, Lucifer, killed the Voice of God and one third of the angels followed him in an attempt to get the position they deserved.   The response of the Elohim was brutal and unforgiving. The rebels were thrown out and forced to retreat to Inferno where they were locked in by powerful seals for several thousands of years.  

Escape from Inferno

The event that acted as the spark for the original rebellion was The Eden Experiment, which had included the creation of Lilith. She had quickly become an extremely powerful user of Arcana and made herself immortal. Eventually, Lucifer managed to reach her dreams and promise her great power if she would lift the seals on Inferno. She did, for the most part, and as a reward, she is now an Infernal Princess who works to break any bond anyone has over another person.  

Fighting THE God?

It might seem hopeless to fight an all-powerful God, but that isn't how most demons view the fight. If God had been all-powerful, they wouldn't exist, right? All of what prevents humanity from being as great as they supposedly are should vanish. the fact that it doesn't mean that God is either weak, dead, or not real at all. The Thicket spreading is sometimes taken as further proof that God is gone and the worlds created have been abandoned.   There are demons who do believe in an all-powerful god. Purgatorians believe that they are still serving God by preventing those who aren't worthy of getting into Heaven. Even the most pious should be pushed to the point where they will harm those around them. Infernals of Damnation on the other hand are nihilists who believe that demons are doomed to lose their battle against the Elohim. They will stand up for what they believe in as an act of pure defiance.  

The Infernal Hoards

There are seven types of demon, known as Hoards. Each of them has a Resonance with The Symphony that make them able to push reality around them, but also enables the world to bush back and cause Dissonance when they step out of line. They each have their very own selfish view of the world and will not spare anyone when trying to reach their goals.
  • Balseraphim. Liars who create their own truths and twists the perceptions others have of reality itself.
  • Hayyoth. These demons are correupted protection who hone in on their victims and play with their prey for as long as they can while achieving their goals. Once beautiful animals, they are now wisted monsters.
  • Chalkydri. These demons are violent energy coursing through the Symphony and ripping it apart.
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