Common Orcs Species in Thoroth | World Anvil
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Common Orcs

Orcs are, to most other races, a grotesque and thoroughly warlike race that exists for no other apparent purpose than to fight, kill, and die. Common Orcs live in caverns or underground warrens organized into clans or warbands. They are known for being cruel and it is thought that they know o other form of subsistence other than raiding the settlements of other races for plunder. They fear the sun (although they are not particularly vulnerable to sunlight) and prefer to go abroad from their lairs at night.

Basic Information


Common Orcs are short and heavily built, with short legs and disproportionately long, thin arms.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

All Orcs have "tusks", long fangs growing from their lower jaw, causing a slight under-bite. They also tend to have yellow to brown cat-eyes. Orc facial hair grows in odd-looking random clumps.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Orc names are almost exclusively Orcish (go figure) in nature. Their names often translate to words or phrases that inspire fear in those that hear them. Additionally, many warband commanders or clan chieftain will assume a title in Common to accompany this.

Relationship Ideals

Common Orcs do not marry; they breed. The females live together in secluded areas which are normally accessible only to the strongest males. In addition, the females are receptive only to the fiercest and most attractive (by Orc standards) males. This results in the strongest offspring. The many young are kept together and raised jointly by all of the female Common Orcs.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

For Orcs, the clan is everything. This has most likely developed due to the fact that an Orc's clan is the only group likely to have that Orc's back. Even the rare Orcs that have managed to coexist amongst civilized societies will choose clanblood, even if such a decision means they will be throwing away the status they worked so hard to build and earn.   In Orcish culture, all Orcs go through a coming-of-age process referred to as being "blooded". When an Orc is blooded, a biological change occurs in their body. This change causes their tusks to grow larger as well as a distinct and unique pattern to form across their skin (like a painless tattoo). The skin pattern change occurs in a matter of days, while the tusk growth may not be noticeable for months.   An Orc becomes blooded through a ritual performed after committing some brave or heroic act involved in preserving or maintaining the clan's way of life. Usually, this happens after an Orc's first victory in battle. Being an adult unblooded Orc is one of the most shameful things in Orcish society. In fact, most unblooded Orcs are killed outright by their clan chieftain.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Thanks to their bargain made with Necrus, over 2000 years ago, Orcs are still widely hated and despised among other intelligent races. For this reason, Orcs generally hate all other races. They especially hate Half-Orcs, whom they see as lesser beings and whom they label "Half-breeds" with much malice. It is only the rare Orc to chance crossing paths with a friendly Gnome who finds a kinship with one other than their race.

RPG Datasheet

AG 0; CO +2; ME -4; RE -2; SD -4; EM -2; IN -4; PR -2; QU 0; ST +2; Appearance -80   Channeling 0; Essence 0; Mentalism 0; Poison 0; Disease +5   Body Development; Arcane PP; Channeling PP; Essence PP; Mentalism PP   Soul Departure 1 Round; Recovery Mult. 0.5x   Languages 4; Background Options 5   Endurance - Common Orcs have truly exceptional stamina that allows them to pursue their foes without letup. They can travel for two days without sleep, and they receive a +20 bonus to exhaustion points.   Resistance - Common Orcs receive +30 DB and RR bonuses versus heat and cold attacks.   Special Abilities - Common Orcish vision in most darkness is as good as a man's during the height of the day. When there is barely any light (cloudy, moonless nights; upper caverns, dungeons), Common Orcs can see at least 50 feet perfectly and fairly well up to 100'. In absolute darkness, they can see 10 feet.   Weakness to Sunlight - Common Orcs only have 60% of their activity each round in full daylight. In artificial or magical daylight, they only have 80% of normal activity each round.   Language: Starting Languages - Orcish (S8/W2), Common-speech (S4/W0). Allowed Adolescent Development - Orcish (S10/W10), Common-speech (S6/W6), Black-speech (S6/W6).   Everyman skills: Athletic Games (Brawn), Power-striking, Power-throwing, all skills within one of the following categories: Weapon 2 Handed or Weapon Polearm, Weigh-lifting   Restricted skills: Public Speaking, Seduction, Trading.

Genetic Descendants
Indefinite; certainly hundreds of years, but the nature of their warlike life permits few to live past 50.
Average Height
Males and females average 4'
Average Weight
Males and females average 65 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Common Orcs have hides that range in color from a light sickly green to deep greens and black or grey hair.


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