Half-Orcs Species in Thoroth | World Anvil
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To most, Half-Orcs are monsters in the most literal sense, intelligent but hideous offspring of Man and Orc. They are often confused with Greater Orcs, but they are a distinct race unto themselves. Usually, they are the offpring of human women ravished by Orc raiders or taken captive for sport, but instances of love-matches between Human and Orc have been recorded (though, with little approval).   Half-Orcs are not numerous, but they are noted and feared whenever they appear. They are almost always treated as outcasts by Mannish society, and also usually by Orc tribes. However, some weaker Orcish tribes hold Half-Orcs in awe because of their human ancestry and elevate Half-Orcs into leadership positions. Many Half-Orcs have Hillman blood in them and this is typically the only chance for them to blend into any Mannish society.

Basic Information


Half-Orcs might pass for human were it not for their tusked fangs, sometimes strange coloring, and large pointed ears.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

The tusks of a Half-Orc are not long like their half-kin's tusks. The fact that this causes Half-Orcs to resemble unblooded Orcs does not help them in their Orcish status.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Half-Orcs are typically named by their loving Human mothers who choose to keep them. For this reason, most Half-Orcs have Mannish names. However, as mentioned previously, there is the rare consensual union between Human and Orc, in which Half-Orcs may be given Orcish names.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Half-Orcs typically are never able to find a place in which they belong, as usually neither half of their races want anything to do with them.   Additionally, being only half Orcish, Half-Orcs cannot become blooded through any means, even if the blooding ritual is performed for them (this rarely if ever occurs for a Half-Orc).

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Half-Orcs make no secrets of their distaste for just about every race under the sun (including Orcs). Hated by Men and ridiculed by Orcs, Half-Orcs are never shown an ounce of pity, even by "their own" so why should they show any in return? However, they reserve their deepest hatred for the haughty Elves and High Men.   Half-Orcs particularly despise the derogatory term "half-breed", called to them by both Humans and Orcs alike.

RPG Datasheet

AG 0; CO +2; ME 0; RE 0; SD +2; EM 0; IN 0; PR 0; QU 0; ST +2; Appearance -20   Channeling 0; Essence 0; Mentalism 0; Poison +5; Disease +5   Body Development; Arcane PP; Channeling PP; Essence PP; Mentalism PP   Soul Departure 1 Round; Recovery Mult. 0.75x   Languages 4; Background Options 5;   Endurance - Their Orcish inheritance gives Half-Orcs exceptional stamina. They can travel for two days without sleep, and they receive a +10 bonus to exhaustion points.   Resistance - Half-Orcs are unusually tough physical speciments, as one might expect. They receive +15 DB and RR bonuses versus heat and cold attacks.   Special Abilities - Dark Vision: Half-Orcs also receive good night vision as part of their Orcish inheritance. Half-Orcish vision in most darkness is at least 300 feet. When there is barely any light (cloudy, moonless nights; upper caverns, dungeons), Half-Orcs can see at least 25 feet perfectly and fairly well up to 50 feet. In absolute darkness, they can still see 5 feet.   Language: Starting Languages - Common-speech (S8/W4), Orcish (S8/W4), Giant (S4/W3). Allowed Adolescent Development - Common-speech (S10/W8), Orcish (S10/W8), Giant (S8/W8), Black-speech (S6/W6).   Everyman skills: None   Restricted skills: None

250 - 500 years.
Average Height
Males average 5'8", females average 5'5".
Average Weight
Males average 150 lbs, females average 135 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Half-Orcs look like a cross between Men and Greater Orcs (go figure). Generally, this means that they appear as Men with Orcish features (tusked fangs and large, pointed ears). However, some do present with greenish or greyish tinted skin.

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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