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Dryads, also sometimes called "plant elves" or "life elves," are a type of elemental. They are a step between pure elementals and elves, though are generally classed as a type of elf. Given their reluctance to interact with anything "faster" than a plant, it's difficult to tell exactly how many dryads exist in the world. However, it's generally believed that they are the progenitor of all modern elves.   Though dryads typically form symbiotic bonds with plants, they are capable of forming bonds with any type of life. In fact, it's theorized that some accounts of particularly potent healers may have been the result of an unknown or accidental possession by a dryad.

Basic Information


Dryads strongly resemble elves in that they share their humanoid shape and pointed ears—when they manifest, that is. However, their skin is either some shade of green or resembles tree bark, and their "hair" resembles plant matter, typically leaves or vines or even grasses and flowers.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is not clear how dryads reproduce, or whether they do at all, though there are rumors that they can breed with elves and humans.   It is strongly theorized that dryads may be the source of "spontaneously generated" elves. When a dryad is exposed to a large quantity of a given element, they may spawn a brand new elf. It certainly explains how certain kinds of elves suddenly spring into being; for instance, water elves springing up after a storm, or fire elves springing up after a wildfire. The precise mechanism involved is still unclear, however, as few cases have been properly documented. Though with the advent of handheld recording devices, this has the potential to change.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Anywhere there is an abundance of trees and other plants.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dryads are often considered slow and easily confused, as their senses seem to be adapted primarily to their plant bodies. As such, it's not always clear to other species how their senses even work.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Dryads don't often spend time mingling with other species. Their plant-like reflexes make them very slow to react to the world around them, making interacting with non plant-based life rather difficult.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants


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