Alain II

His Majesty, King Alain II Carrel

Alain II Carrel was the King of Aria and the third King of the Royal House of Carrel.  He was the oldest son of King Alain I, and ruled as king for 34 years.  His reign is known as one of relative peace and plenty, but some historians so point to Alain II as the first of the Arian Kings to begin to let the monarchy's authority slip away.   Alain II was born in 127 AF and was a robust and athletic man.  Fond of riding and tournament participation, he was an accomplished jouster and a fierce competitor with the war mace.  His younger brother, Roche Carrel, was frequently ill and spent long periods of his youth abed with a series of sicknesses.  Many in court whispered that the heir was hale and hearty, but the spare was not.   This led to some anxiety in the Kingdom as Alain II grew into manhood.  He was frequently seen to prefer the company of men to women, taking no interest in courting the many eligible women constantly present at court.  His father, Alain I, contracted no fewer than seven potential marriages for his son, but the younger Alain refused to even consider marriage.  In 146 AF, the Prince removed himself from the palace at Malamor and took up his official residence at the Carrel ancestral home of Champs Decarrel with his friend and companion, Bryce Degilbert, with whom he lived exclusively until his father died in May of 167 AF.  Alain's blatant refusal to consider marriage drove a wedge between himself and his father that lasted more than 25 years, and for the last 15 years of Alain I's life, they did not see each other at all.  Any communication was done by courier and written correspondence only.   When he was crowned King of Aria, Alain II moved back to the palace, but left his paramore behind and visited him less and less frequently as the years went by.  Bryce Degilbert died of consumption in 186 AF, and the King spent the rest of his reign alone.  In 189 AF, he officially decreed that his heir and successor was his younger brother, Roche, or his eldest surviving child.  Alain died of a stroke at the age of 74 in 201 AF at the Royal Palace at Malamor.
74 at his death
127 AF 201 AF 74 years old