Kingdom of Aria

The Kingdom of Aria is a large nation surrounding the Arial River and adjoining country. It is bordered on the north by Lesser Imesse, the west by Naru, the Principality of Fangort to the east and the Arak Mountains to the south.   Aria is an old kingdom, with a monarchy that has ruled almost uninterrupted for a thousand years. In the last century, however, the power and authority of that monarchy has begun to wain. The Dwarven cities of Gorgomoth are completely self-sufficient in all areas of governance, and no attempt to exercise Arian authority there has even been attempted in hundreds of years. The land-holding nobles of the kingdom also exercise a greater and greater autonomy with each passing year.   The latest concern for the kingdom is the communities of Elves that have grown up on the eastern banks of the Arul River (the physical border with Naru). These communities (small cities, in fact) are not temporary settlements, but are walled, defensible, established Elven towns. Roads and bridges are already being completed that link these towns and the interior of Naru, as well as towers, walls and large keeps. It isn't a matter of these Elves displacing Arian inhabitants, but these communities have been built on land "owned" by several influential Counts and Barons, and they are not receiving any taxes or tributes that would otherwise be paid by Arian subjects.


The Kingdom of Aria is a feudal monarchy where the King rules from the capital city of Malamor. Vassal lords, titled Counts and Barons, control large swathes of the kingdom in the King's name.  These Counties are further divided into Viscounties, which are made up of Bailies and Shires.


A very diverse and dynamic culture, made up of many societies and races.


Abundant fertile farmland, vast forests and resource-rich mountains.


For nearly 1,000 years Aria has been an independent nation of Humans and Dwarves living side-by-side. The association between the two races has only recently come into difficulty with the renewed prosperity and strength of the Dwarves rapidly outpacing that of the Humans.   The political issues in the Kingdom are further compounded by the erosion of authority of the King of Aria around the country. Over the reigns of the last three monarchs, the authority of the King at Malamor has gradually dimished. Counties such as Aramor, Dunmor and Daynmor have grown increasingly more and more independent, even going so far as to broker and sign trade agreements without conferring with the King. Many Counties maintain standing armies within their territories, something that is technically forbidden in established Arian law.   The region of Gorgomoth has also become more and more autonomous over the last 100 years.  While all six of the Dwarven cities still nominally owe fealty to the King of Aria, very little (if any) actual authority over the cities is ever exercised anymore.  The required taxes and tithes are paid, but no other concessions are made by the Dwarves.  They maintain very large and capable standing armies and are completely self-sufficient in all areas of governance.

Demography and Population

The total population of the Kingdom is more than 1.6 million souls.  Nearly 900,000 of these are Human, and 530,000 are Halfling.  Gorgomoth has a population of more than 180,000 souls.


The Kingdom of Aria is a large nation covering an area roughly 130,000 square miles, or close to twice the size of the state of WI.  It borders the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse to the north, the Elven Realm of Naru to the west, and the great Arak Mountains to the south.  To the east, Aria brackets the Principality of Fangort to the Eastern Sea, with the coast of the County of Aramor in the northeastern corner of the map, and the County of Daynmor in the extreme southeastern corner.  Along the nation's center span are the Mountains of Gorgomoth and the six mighty Dwarven city states that exist there.  The Dwarven cities are each ruled by one of the Great Clans of the Dwarves.   The nation is divided into 15 large vassal territories called Counties, as well as the six Dwarven cities.  These 15 Counties are ruled by nobles holding the title Count/Countess and belonging to powerful and influential ancient families.  Counties are further broken down into Baronies, Viscounties and Earldoms, and all of these answer directly to their Count/Countess.


Many religions are practiced in Aria, but the recognized official religion is the Pantheon of Heaven.  Every major town or city has numerous temples to the gods and holidays and festivals of the Pantheon are considered national holidays.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Head of State
Head of Government
Arian urc (1g)= 8 Pieces (1s)= 30 Pense (1p) Each Pense is $1 and each Urc is $240
Official State Religion
Official Languages
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