Boyne Guard

The Boyne Guard are a unit of heavy infantry drawn from a specific family or clan in Colo.  Their sole purpose is to protect and defend the Ryuri Dalnyall and his family.  They are a highly trained, well armed and well armored unit number between 40 and 100 Guards (depending on the Ryuri himself).   Currently, there are 44 Boyne Guards commanded by Dylan Boyne as Boyne Captain.  The Guards and the Captain live at Nyallshall with the Ryuri, to better ensure the safety of himself and his family.



Currently, 44 Guards, 2 Seargeants, 2 Corporals and a Captain.


Rather ornate plate mail and a burnished steel conical helm.  Ivory-colored cloak is issued in the winter.


Long sword, lance, dagger, hand axe.  Sentries carry a heavy pole axe.  Long bow issued for wall watch duty.


The Boyne Guard work on a three-watch rotation of 14 Guards on duty are all times and a watch 12 hours.  That's two watches a day with one watch off.  The Boyne Captain is Dylan Boyne, and he has two Corporals and two Seargeants leading under him.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Used by