Hugh Rhymer (rye-mer)

Hugh Rhymer

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hugh was born in Beldoah to a rather famous songwriter and bard named Hamm Rhymer.  He never knew his mother, and his father never spoke of her.  Hugh travelled with his father up and down the Caldar River while Hamm sang for various events, tournaments and festivals.  They were poor, often very poor, but Hamm built a reputation as an excellent poet and bard, and he continued to travel and sing while Hugh strummed a harp until he was killed in fire when Hugh was only 17.   The fire happened near the City of Jemptal, and Hugh had only a few coins to see him through the coming winter alone.  He found work on a river barge that took him to Rolar, and then to Redfield, where he started to work for the local tannery.  He eventually started to play the harp for the patrons at the local taverns and inns, and finally landed a permanent job at The Bear's Den inn.  Over the next 30 years, Hugh played his harp and worked the inn every single day.  When the owner of the inn finally fell ill and was on his deathbed, he offered the inn to Hugh at the very generous price of 6 guilders... which was exactly what it would cost to buy a plot and bury his ashes when he passed.   Hugh has owned and operated the Bear's Den for 15 years now, and employs 12 people to work it with him.
Date of Birth
February 17
Beldoah, Imesse
Current Residence
Pantheon of Heaven
Ruled Locations