
Basic Information


Humans are the predominant humanoid species of the world.  Ranging in size, stature and physique from gnome-like to almost giant-sized, Humans have the greatest diversity in form of all the humanoid races.

Biological Traits

On average Humans live to about 110 years.  They are reproductive for about the first half of that span.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans, like all humanoid races, reproduce sexually.  Maturity is gained at 16 years, and the reproductive cycle typically ends around 60 years.

Growth Rate & Stages

A Human reaches physical maturity at 16, and can expect to live for around 90 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Humans have the ability to live in almost any environment were there is air to breath and water to drink.  Temperatures in excess of 120 degrees can be managed, as well as temperatures as low as -75 degrees (given adequate clothing or shelter).

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like all humanoids, Humans are omnivores and can eat both vegetables and animals.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Humans have a traditional family structure in most societies.  Broader, more general associations can offer a greater variety of social structures and norms, however.

Facial characteristics

Varying hair and beard colors, all colors of eyes

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans have very poor eyesight in darkness, but exceptional eyesight in daylight.  Good hearing, a poor sense of smell (relatively speaking) but an extraordinary sense of taste and touch.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Varies by region and ethnicity.  No established racial norms or limitations.

Beauty Ideals

Varies by region and ethnicity.  No established racial norms or limitations.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Humans are unique in that they have almost no racial tendency against any other races.  Cultural differences aside, a Human is every bit as capable of dealing with a Orc as it is dealing with a Dwarf or Halfling.
Human female aged 18 years
Average Height
5'6" to 6'8"
Average Weight
130 lbs to 250 lbs
Average Physique
Strongly muscled with an ability to run very fast for short distances, or very long at a more measured pace.  Capable of running down a horse if given enough time.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pale white to dark brown