Justiciar of Imesse

A Justiciar in the High Kingdom of Imesse is a judge appointed by the ruling lord (royal or noble) that is tasked with travelling throughout the land hearing legal cases and dispensing justice in the ruler's name.  They are given the right and privelage of passing judgement in all matters relating to the peace and security of the realm.  Convictions can carry sentences varyng from small fines, large fines, corporal punishment and forced service, and even death.   Traditionally, the only appeal one could make in regards to a determination made by a Justiciar of the Realm was to the monarch himself.  In most cases today, however, some lattitude is given wherein the local lord (Duke, Baron, Briar) can mitigate a sentence of anything but death.


To hear and judge all legal arguments within the Justiciar's regional authority.  Legal disputes, contract violations, criminal acts, theft, assault, rebellion, even treason and murder can be heard and decided by a Justiciar and their conviction is binding across the land.


Tradition dictates that the Justiciar is entitled to 20% of any fine or confiscation associated with his judgement and sentencing.  Thus, the office is seen as one of the most lucrative and abuse-prone in all the land.
Civic, Law
Form of Address
Lord Justice
Equates to
Judge, jury and (in some cases) executioner as well.
Current Holders
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