Duchy of Hekmo (heck-moe)

The Duchy of Hekmo is a large political division of the Kingdom of Imesse. It is centered around the City of Hekmo. It is currently ruled by the Duke of Hekmo, Turl am Nari. It is the third largest political division in the Kingdoms, after the crown lands of Max III and Mak II respectively.  In total, the Duchy contains more than 49,400 square miles of territory, or slightly more than the State of Mississippi.   The Duchy of Hekmo has a population of 103,500 souls, making it a very sparsley populated region.  To put this in perspective, the Duchy's eastern neighbor, the Duchy of Len Doa, is significantly less than one-fifth its size but has an even larger population at 109,000 souls.  The ducal seat of Len Doa has a larger population than the three largest cities of the Duchy of Hekmo combined.   The economy of the Duchy is stagnant in the extreme.  What little industry exists in the Duchy is weighed down with oppressive tax rates and rigidly fixed prices.  Costs are high, luxury goods are hard to find, food shortages are more and more frequent.


Ruled absolutely by the Duke Turl am Nari, chiefly administered by appointed officials including the Steward, Waltar Richwood and the Justiciar Baldwyn Stocks.


Hekmo has a reputation recently as a "hard place". Times are tough, the economy is stagnant, and the leadership in the briaries is inadequate at best.  Rumors are rampant of corruption and cronyism within the duchy, even extending as far as the Duke himself.  The duchy has two very large and very busy mints within its broders, granted by Royal charter to the Duke himself, but questions and concerns about debased silver coins have caused a three-to-one disparity between a southern shilling and a northern one.  This issue has had a ripple effect through the entire Northern Kingdom in as much as a northern shilling won't be taken at face value south of the Caldar River in many regions of Lesser Imesse.

Public Agenda

The duchy's sole focus seems to be on revenue.  Increased revenue, at any cost, never seems to raise any revenue, however.


Founded in 146 AF by King Lothar  for services rendered during the The Second Great Orc War . The first Duke was Tovar am Nari, then the Baron of Hekmo. Duke Tovar was followed 11 years later by his son, Torn am Nari. Torn was Duke for 29 years and was very popular and successful as Duke. His policies and leadership brought much revenue to the duchy, and he was well respected across the country. He was also a close and vital advisor to Max I, a frail and routinely ill king. Torn died in a tournament to celebrate the King's birthday at the age of 49 years in 190 AF.   At this point, Turl, eldest son of Torn am Nari is seated on the ducal throne.

Demography and Population

The total population of the duchy is 103,500 people. This number is based on the duchy's tax rolls, which were updated as recently as 18 months ago at the Duke's demands.  The largest city in the Duchy is the City of Hekmo at 11,300 souls.  Other large settlements within the Duchy are Arksloth at 9,000 souls and Rickmo with 8,900.  The vast majority of the duchy's population live within walking distance of the two major rivers of the region: the Calas in the central region and the Caldar on the southern edge of the duchy.   The further north one travels in the duchy, the thinner the population becomes.  The three fortified towns built nearly 100 years ago to protect the region from Colian raids now have only a portion of their original populations, and all three Briaries assocaited with those towns have populations of between 5,000 and 6,000 souls.   The population of the duchy is primarily Human. Halflings make up less than 10% of the population, and the only shires in the duchy are located on the banks of the Caldar. Dwarves and Gnomes make up less than 2% of the populous.


The duchy stretches from the Colian border in the north to the banks of the Caldar River in the south. To the east it borders the Duchy of Len Doa and to the west it borders the Crown Lands of the High King.    The duchy maintains three fortified towns along the border with Colo: Noldur, Normar and Norfot. These fortified towns had (at least in the past) stout walls, tall towers and strong castles that were intended to deter attacks from the north and offer a defense when deterrence wasn't enough.     There is an area in the north of the duchy that is rough and uncharted hills and forests, always offering the promise of valuable timber, ore and resources but that promise is offset by the dangers involved. This region is known to be the haunt (and perhaps the habitat) of ogres, trolls and goblins.


The Duke keeps a standing force of men-at-arms that is quite large when compared to other noble estates. His forces are typically poorly trained and poorly equipped, with low morale and no discipline.


The two dominant faiths in the duchy are the Pantheon of Heaven (mainly practiced in the south of the duchy) and the Maranonic Faith (practiced in the north). Neither is particularly honored or respected by the Duke, and even less so by his vassals.


While the laws of the duchy reflect the cultural expectations of the entire Kingdom, the enforcement of those laws are extremely harsh within the duchy. Agents of the Duke have free rein to administer the "King's Justice in the Duke's Name" as they see fit. This has caused a tremendous amount of resentment and anxiety amongst the general population of the duchy, many of whom can still remember the rule of the "Good Duke" Torn some 40-odd years earlier.   Non-Human peoples (Halflings, Dwarves and Gnomes) are not afforded the same respect by the Duke's officers and agents.  For example, poll taxes are markedly higher for non-Humans and have caused entire communities to uproot and relocate to more hospitable parts of the realms, especially those south of the Caldar River.

Agriculture & Industry

The Duchy is primarily an agrarian society, centered on the production of cereal grains and livestock.  Some mining exists near the town of Tobrick where significant mineral wealth has been discovered but little to no expertise is available within the duchy to exploit it.  The cities of Arksloth, Rickmo and Roston each have some shipbuilding industries that produce river barges and large flatboats, but manpower shortages and high taxes keep this industry from growing into anything that would be considered a successful industrial venture.

Trade & Transport

Aside from farm and ranch production, the largest revenue source for the Duchy is the tax on river and land traffic that passes through it.  All trade moving to and from the mouth of the Calas River on The Eastern Sea is heavily taxed by the Duke and his vassals.  Overland routes from the Caldar valley to the towns and cities further north are also taxed.
Founding Date
146 AF
Geopolitical, Duchy
Ruling Organization
Head of Government
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories