
The Merciless is the flagship of the pirate fleet commanded by Obram Marner, the reigning Corsair King of Karnesh. The Merciless is a large and extremely well-built carrack-style warship 165 feet long and 38 feet at her beam. She has four masts, the forward two masts square-rigged and the aft two masts lateen-rigged. She is a vessel of 1,100 tons and can reach speeds of more than 7 knots in ideal conditions.   One feature of the Merciless that was not initially part of her original design was the layout of her orlop deck.  This deck, the second-lowest deck of the ship, is divided into three large sections: forward, amidship and aft.  All three are seperated by stout gated bulkheads and can accomodate as many as 300 prisoners/slaves... more if sleeping conditions aren't considered.

Weapons & Armament

34 ballistae capable of firing multiple types of projectiles, including iron-tipped bolts, round stones and liquid-filled cannisters for incendiary or poison attacks.

Armor and defense

Multi-level forecastle and aftcastle with opennings and loops for archery attacks and defense.  Large ballistae on both castles used to launch grappling lines to pull ships togeether and hold them during a boarding action.  Hull is made of 3" oak planking on 12" framing and is nearly impervious to tradtional projectile weapons.
The carrack Merciless cruising along the Arak Coast.
Owning Organization
150' to top of main mast
7 knots
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
1,000 tons