Obram Marner

King Obram Marner

Obram Marner is the current Corsair King of Karnesh , a small pirate kingdom on the Arak Coast. He is widely considered one of the most capable naval strategists alive today and the most deadly pirate sailing The Eastern Sea. He commands a fleet of 24 ships, all capable and dangerous vessels, but 11 of them are state-of-the-art warships taken from the Fangorian and Sellenian navies. He has a total of 1,400 highly trained and well eqipped sailors manning thes ships and a cadre of sailing masters commanding them. Marner's pirate fleet constitutes one of the single most powerful navies sailing the Eastern Sea. Marner commands this fleet from his flagship, the Merciless, a 165' long warship built in the finest Fangorian style in the finest Fangorian shipyard.   Marner is renowned for keeping and maintaining a high sense of morale in his sailors, doing all he can to ensure that his crews are well fed, well trained, well rested and very well paid.  He keeps a three-watch schedule on all his ships as often as he can, and crews are paid in cash within hours of making port at the end of a successful campaign.  His sailors are remarkably loyal and well-behaved for pirates, by any standard.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Obram Marner is one of the deadliest swordsman alive.  His skill with a blade is legendary, as evidenced by his escape and single-handed capture of one of the finest naval ships of the Fangorian navy.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Obram was born in the City of Solir in the Principality of Fangort. While his parentage is unknown, what is known is that he was placed in chains and onto a Fangorian warship to be hauled into exile by Royal decree in 224 AF. During the first few days of the voyage, Obram escaped his bonds and single-handedly took control of the warship he was sailing on. Under circumstances that are still not fully understood, Obram offered the stunned crew of the warship an even spilt of any loot or treasure that they might help Obram sieze if they joined him. He cut the throat of the ship's captain as he made the offer, and threw the body overboard to demonstraate what would happen if they refused. As he waited for their decision, two other ship's officers rushed at Obram with drawn swords, but he cut them down in seconds, and threw their bodies into the sea as well. At that moment, roughly two-thirds of the ships crew joined Obram, and they killed and disposed of the bodies of the remaining loyal crew members.   With his newly aquired warship, Obram and his band of mutineers and pirates took three more Fangorian Royal warships over the course of the next month, and with his new fleet of four top-of-the-line fighting vessels, he began a two year campaign of piracy and raiding that made him an overnight legend of The Eastern Sea. Over the course of the campaign, Obram was credited with capturing or sinking no fewer than 17 large trading vessels or warships and had amassed a huge fortune in gold and booty (and slaves) that he took to the corsair states of the Arak Coast to sell.   Then, in 226 AF, Obram got into a sea battle with the reigning Corsair King of Karnesh, Alin Bertaine, an Arian-born pirate that had ruled Karnesh for nearly a decade. Obram easily defeated the King, seized all the King's vessels and hung the dead King's body from his main mast and sailed into the port of Karnesh to be proclaimed the new Corsair King of Karnesh.


Contacts & Relations

Over the course of nine years of piracy, Marner has built a network of contacts all along the coast of the Eastern Sea from Koricshold to Sellenia.  He is known to have had several dealings with Oswyn Lovely and his crime organization, the Lovelies.  Rumors exist that he is also very well aquainted with several prominent rulers and leaders along the coast, including Connar Benkory and Dogar am Lanni.  Most intriguing of these rumored associations, however, is that Prince Rodin III Argoni himself had Marner exiled for reasons unknown, and that Marner has sworn revenge on the sovereign as a result.  No truth to this rumor can be found for certain, but there does seem to be a particular focus of Marner's attention on shipping and ships of Fangorian origin and the Principality is certainly feeling the effect of this attention more and more with each passing season.

Wealth & Financial state

While the actual amount of his personal wealth is not known, Marner is staggeringly wealthy.  Even before winning the Kingdom of Karnesh, Marner had easily seized, stolen and looted more than a million Arian urcs worth of ships and cargo in his two years of piracy off the Gulf of Arial.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Current Residence
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization