Corsair Kingdom of Karnesh

The Kingdom of Karnesh is a small kingdom located on the Arak Coast at the mouth of the Karn River.  It is called the "Corsair Kingdom" because fully 70% of everyone that lives in the capital city of Karnesh is fully dependant on the institution of piracy and slavery as a means of daily life, and as much as 30% of the rest of the small country does as well.   The Kingdom of Karnesh has a rocky and confusing history. No legitimate succession has occured here in more than 70 years, but 9 "kings" have ruled in that same span of time. Assassination, revolt and conquest are the primary means of ascending to the throne of Karnesh, as the last seven decades have shown.   The current Corsair King is Obram Marner, a 44-year-old Human with a very enigmatic past. Obram took the throne from the last Corsair King, Alin Bertaine, when he defeated him in a sea battle only a mile outside of the main city port of Karnesh just seven years earlier. Bertaine's body was hung from the mast of Marner's ship as he sailed into Karnesh after the victory, and the city proclaimed him the new King.


A small, petty kingdom based solely on the institutions of piracy and slavery.  Supreme rule is determined by supreme might or sole survival through combat.


The Kingdom of Karnesh is a state without codified law or institutional justice. Might makes right, and the winner of any contest of arms or strength is usually determined to be "right" about whatever question is at hand, be it who rules the kingdom or who is due to be paid.  Ruled by the Oshahni minority, the native Karni people are oppressed and subjugated as chattel with no voice in the rule or running of the society.


Over the course of the last eight decades, the region of the Karn River Valley has been dominated by pirates and slavers.  No dynasty has ever become established, and the transition of rule has followed a violent and bloody process of battle and conquest.  Nine Corsair Kings have ruled from the Citadel at Karnesh, with the most recent being the most dangerous, Obram Marner.

Demography and Population

Outside of the few functioning coastal settlements, the interior regions of the Kingdom of Karnesh are populated almost exclusively by the native Karni tribes of Human peoples.  These people are, on average, short and muscular folk that exist at a purely subsistence level, counting themselves truly blessed by the gods if they manage a solid meal at the end of every day.  Nowhere in the Kingdom does a Karni native hold any power or authority beyond their own immediate family unit.   All real power and authority in the kingdom is held by non-native peoples known by the Karni tribes as oshahni, or roughly translated as "those of the sea".  Constituting only a fraction of the total population of the kingdom, the Oshahni are the ruling class, the wealthy landowners and merchants, and the masters of the enslaved masses toiling throughout the kingdom.   Of the 75,000 people that live within the accepted borders of the Kingdom of Karnesh, less than 19,000 are Oshahni and the rest are either slaves taken by the corsairs or native Karni.  This ratio means that the Oshahni are outnumbered by the slaves and Karni by nearly 4 to 1, and because of this fact, Oshahni do not EVER tolerate insurrection or resistance to their rule by non-Oshahni.  In fact, just about the only way to get all the Oshahni to cooperate in any meaningful way with each other is when they unite to fight an uprising of the native/slave populus.


The Kingdom exerts a significant level of control over both banks of the Karn River, but the greater expanse of controlled territory is to the east of the river.  The greatest area of contested control is on the west bank of the river near the river's mouth.  It is here that the neighboring Burna Sovereignty, which is the piratical Oshahni-controlled state immediately to the west and south of Karnesh, exerts its influence on the lands closest to the Kingdom.  The Sovereignty also holds many thousands of Karni natives that live to the west of the river in servitude and oppression, and it is a nagging source of concern for the Kingdom periodically.


Other than the more than 20,000 pirate/sailors of the Corsair Kingdom, there isn't actually a standing army in the territory.  There are probably some 150 Gray Cloaks wandering the streets of Karnesh at any given time, but other than cudgels and quarter staffs, they are not actually armed (a rather poor attempt to reduce the amount of arbitrary killing of subjects by the King's henchmen).  Since, at any given time, there are as many as 8,000 to 10,000 sailors actually out to sea, the actual number of armed and able fighters in the Kingdom is never much more than 10,000.  While this seems like a significant number of armed fighting men, one must consider that the neighboring states that might bring arms to bear on Karnesh are equally, or moderately better, able to field a similar force.


All rules and regulations are enacted and enforced by the authority of the Corsair King, Obram Marner.  He employs a group of ruffians known amongst the Karni as Gray Cloaks for their uniform that randomly collect the exorbitant taxes assumed to be due at almost anytime they wish.  If the taxes aren't paid to the Gray's satisfaction, the subject is beaten or even killed on the spot.  Crime in the city of Karnesh is rampant, mostly amongst the Oshahni but there is a level of theft and abuse amongst the Karni as well... especially if some Karni is suspected of collaborating with the Oshahni at the expense of other Karni.

Trade & Transport

One significant advantage that Karnesh has over its neigboring territories is that it has a high number of large warehouses which are nearly always full of a wid variety of materials and supplies.  Everything from wheat to wheels, bolts of fine cloth to bolts of copper and steel, bales of cotton and wool to bushels of coal... almost anything can be found in a Karnesh warehouse.  There are also three large slave pits that keep as many as 1,000 slaves coralled and ready to be sold, either individually or in lots.  Prices can exceed a thousand guilders for prime healthy women, and half that for strong, able men.  Rumors exist of several houses within the city where the wealth of a dozen pirate captains is kept (for a large fee) in strongboxes locked in underground vaults and guarded by strange beasts, magical charms or fierce foreign warriors.
A view of the Port of Karnesh from the Citadel above the city.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Organization Vehicles
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities