
Polis'aloth is the largest city in the Dro'eladrim Valley of the Arak Mountains. It is a city made up entirely of Drowkin Elves with a total population of more than 20,000 Drowkin Elves. The name means River City in Elvish, as it is on the banks of the Dro'eloth River that flows out of the mighty Arak range north towards the Arial River.   Located near the five-mile pass that opens the Dro'eladrim Valley onto the Arial plain to the north, the city faces the east and is backed up to the steep walls of the adjoining hills and mountains. In fact, much of the city is actually carved out of these valley walls. Long and deep cuts have been made over the centuries to produce wide thoroughfares that almost all face the east and the rising sun, with homes, shops, schools and palaces rising ever higher up the slopes as one continues west to the road's ends.   The city boasts many creature comforts, including streets lit with a gas piped from the mountains that burns clear, clean and bright.  There are many shops and markets on the lower levels of the city and residences grow in opulence as one climbs higher up the valley sides.  The city has a dark side as well, however: fully half the population of the city are slaves.  Mostly Human but with numbers of Gnomes, Halflings, Goblins and Dwarves that are not insignificant.  These slaves are denoted by being shaved of all hair and wearing tall, stiff leather collars around their necks.  Nearly all menial or hard physical tasks are performed by slaves, these tasks ranging from ferrying Drowkin up and down the many winding stairways of the city, leading pack animals through the city streets, cleaning, carrying, cooking and serving.


Entirely populated with Drowkin Elves


The city is ruled by an Archon, who is chosen from among the members of an elite Governing Council to rule for a term that traditionally lasts a century.  The Council maintains a membership of 31 Elves, all elite and powerful members of Drowkin society in the Valley.


Polis'aloth is a visually stunning city, with ornately carved and decorated building facades, smoothly paved roads and city streets and building interiors lit with a flamable gas that is piped throughout the city from fissures located deep in the mountain's interior.
A view down one of the major thoroughfares of Polis'aloth, looking east across the Dro'eladrim Valley
Large city
Related Ethnicities
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