Regent's Yeoman Archers



Yeoman Archers are a unit of militia that can be drawn from any populus in the Kingdom.  Typically, each town, shire or county will have a company or two of yeoman on hand as watchmen, patrolling and training with the more regular units of the military.


Yeoman Archers are issued leather cuirass and greaves, stout leather gloves, a hooded cloak, a long bow and either a short sword or a hand axe.  When mustered or on ordered march, they are given a four-day supply of rations.


Yeoman Archers are assigned to other units, or to established Watch and Guard groups for towns, cities and shires.


All Cobal subjects are required by Law to be trained and capable of using a long bow.  Most villages, and all towns and cities, host regular events to encourage archery skills and keep the training level of all citizens as high as possible.  This translates to a significant amount of training for militia archer units across the Kingdom.
A Yeoman Archer training in the forests of Cobal
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy