Kingdom of Cobal (ko-ball)

The Kingdom of Cobal is a small country located on the banks of the great Caldar River. It is a prosperous, busy nation forged by invasion and warfare with a diverse population that prides itself on its unity of purpose.   Cobal is bordered on the east by Imesse, on the south by Naru and to the west and north by the great The Junn Steppe.  The Kingdom has an area of roughly 54,000 square miles, or about the same size as the State of Iowa.  It has a population of roughly 337,000 Humans, Halflings, Dwarves and Gnomes. The country is made up of roughly one-third alluvial plains, one-third low mountains and highlands, and one-third thick mature forests. It has major rivers accounting for 90% of its frontiers (Caldar, Manisar and Manito Rivers), and many smaller rivers that give access to the interior regions.   The Kingdom of Cobal has not had a King for more than 100 years. The last reigning King, Willard the White, died without an heir. To avoid the potential conflict that so often accompanies a succession crisis, the nobles of the Kingdom chose a Regent to rule until such time as an heir or new monarch could be found. The transition was so smooth that the Regency was left in place ever since, and no new King has been found or crowned since.   Cobal is the “frontier” of civilization, located on the edge of a great open steppe and a huge range of mountains that allow hordes of orcs, ogres, trolls and dragons to periodically attack the otherwise peaceful nation. Its location on the Caldar River and its proximity to the vast western expanse has been its greatest asset and its greatest problem for the last 300 years.


Cobal is currently ruled by the Lord High Regent Donnas Rivers, the former Warden of Elisar. The Regent serves for 12 years, at which time another Parliament of Wardens is held, and it is decided to either keep the Regent or remove them and elect another. The Regent exercises supreme executive authority within the realm, delegating specific powers to the local authorities whenever and wherever applicable.   The Kingdom of Cobal is divided into more than a dozen “Wards.” Each Ward is governed by a Warden, appointed by the Regent. The Warden serves for life, or until the Regent removes them from office. Wardens exercise similar authority to dukes or barons in Imesse.   Each ward is further broken down into Shires, Counties and Towns. A Shire is a community, usually made up primarily of Halflings, led by a Sherriff  that is either appointed by the Warden or confirmed by them. A County is similar to a Shire, differing only in the demographic make-up of the populous. Counties are also led by a Sherriff. Both Shires and Counties have dedicated police forces (referred to as Guards, Constables, or Watchmen) that answer directly to the Sherriff. Towns are settlements led by a Mayor or Alderman and are not part of a Shire or County. Towns can also have police forces associated with their security and defense. Sheriffs and Mayors have similar responsibilities and authority in each of their respective offices.

Public Agenda

There are two primary political factions within the Kingdom: the supporters of the Regency and the supporters of a return to rule by the Royal House of Bolder.  While the ruling elite of the country are fairly evenly divided between the two camps, the majority of the country are firm supporters of the status quo (even if they do not openly state as much).  Since the death of Willard the White the line of succession for the House of Bolder has been firmly and definitively established, and Will Bolder is the living heir to the Bolder throne of Cobal.  He has repeatedly said he is not looking to become King, and is perfectly content living his life exactly as he does now, but he has never said he would refuse the crown if it was willing offered to him.


Cobal has an interesting history, in that it was born out of the turmoil and violence of its neighbors. 300 years before the present, an almost constant war was waged in what is now Imesse. Warlords and strong men would come and go, but no long-standing power emerged from the violence to build a strong ruling presence. Large communities of Halflings were pushed out of Imesse and across the Caldar River, where they rebuilt their homes and villages with an eye towards peace and security. With memories of enslavement and persecution under the Elves still fresh in their minds, these shires and counties coalesced into organized and functioning governments. The north and west banks of the Caldar were still relatively unpopulated at this time, so no conquest or fighting was needed to establish the communities. With these Halfling communities followed significant numbers of Humans and Gnomes, and the population grew.   The founding of the Kingdom of Cobal is dated to 64 BC (Imesse reckoning) when a large herd of wyverns began ravaging the (then) Shire of Jemptal. The Human Sherriff of Jemptal, named Millard Warden, led the defense of the shire and successfully killed or drove off eleven of the large beasts. This attack was followed by another attack later that summer by a horde of orcs, and Sherriff Millard again led the defense. His fellow defenders, and indeed all the shires in the region, declared him King Millard the Bold and he appointed his nephew, Willard, the first Warden of Jemptal. Thus was founded the Kingdom of Cobal and the Royal House of Bolder (as the dynasty would be known for the next 200 years).   Over the next several centuries, Cobal has grown in population, wealth, influence and military might. The country’s ability to fight under almost any circumstances and (to date) fight any enemy from any quarter ensured a stability that has allowed the entire culture to prosper.

Demography and Population

Current population is 337,000, with 259,000 of those being either Human or Halfling.  The largest population centers are in the Ward of Jemptal and the other southern Wards.


Wards fund, train and employ their own defensive forces, made up of volunteers from within their own populations. These defensive forces are trained and equipped in a uniform manner across the Kingdom. This means a Ranger from one ward will be trained and equipped in the same manner as all other Rangers in the Kingdom. Units are separated into four distinct types, regardless of where they are mustered from: Dragoons, Legion, Rangers, Regent's Yeoman Archers and Scouts.
Founding Date
64 BF
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Head of Government
1 Guinea (1g), 20 Shilling (1s), 12 Penny (1p). Each Penny is worth $1 and each Guinea is worth $240
Official Languages
Related Traditions
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories