Religion of the Dwarves

The Dwarves worship a common pantheon of gods, with the god Khazhukko ruling the heavens, his wife Khazhakka the earth and all its fields, forests and seas, and their son Ilmarinen, the god of mountains where earth meets sky. It is the god Ilmarinen that created Dwarves when, after spending lifetimes searching for a wife and finding none, he created children in his divine forge from earth and sunlight. To these children (Dwarves) he has promised a magical mill that creates endless supplies of grain, salt and gold from nothing at all. This Mill is promised to the “Clan most worthy” in the eyes of the gods.   The worship of Ilmarinen is conducted by female Dwarves exclusively. Dwarven priestesses practice the rites and rituals that centuries of tradition have handed down to the present, wherein the prayers of the cities, towns, clans and families of Dwarves all across the world are offered up to their creator. These priestesses are called “god-wife” as they are taking on the sacred role of “wife” to the god that could find no willing or acceptable wife. The rites they perform vary from funerals and weddings to blessing the sick and infirm and anointing new leaders. Holy days of the Dwarven calendar include New Year, a spring festival, a harvest festival, a Yule season (2 weeks in Dec) which celebrates the memory of dead loved ones, Clan Days (typically the birthday of the Clan leader) and the autumnal equinox when contests of skill and strength between Clan members happen in a huge tournament-style festival.
Religious, Pantheon
Permeated Organizations