Sheriff of Cobal

In the Kingdom of Cobal, a Sheriff is an appointed or elected official who governs a Shire or a County. They are responsible for the safety, defense, administrative and judicial issues that face the county or shire they govern.   Typically in Cobal, communities will nominate an individual to the position, and the Warden will either confirm the nomination, or reject it and demand another. The Warden can appoint Sheriffs of their own choosing when they feel the need is great, but generally the practice is to nominate the person the locals deems best suited.   Lengths of term vary from Ward to Ward, and Shire to Shire, but it is usually at least for a 6-year term of office.

Accoutrements & Equipment

All Sheriffs in Cobal have the right to keep and carry a "staff of office".  Typically, this is a short wooden baton or stave, perhaps carved or ornamented in some way to make it distinct.
Civic, Political
Form of Address
Equates to
Briar, minor noble, landed knight
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Reports directly to