The Mason's Rest

The Mason's Rest is an inn located in the Town of Dunhill in the County of Redstone.  It is owned and operated by Lottie Burnside, a Hardhelm Dwarf female of 110 years of age.   The Rest is a favorite haunt of Hardhelm Dwarves, especially those that are dissatisfied with the current County administration.  Conversations here are typically very critical of Sherriff Declan Miner and the rest of the Clan Redfist leadership of the County.

Purpose / Function

A small but busy inn offering rooms, meals and lots of drink to travellers and locals alike.


The Mason's Rest is built almost entirely into the hillside of the east side of the Town of Dunhill.  Only the entrance and facade of the building are visible from the outside.  Once through the main entrance and cloak room, the building is carved from the living rock of the hill.  The main room is a large open area, with a fireplace at one end and a wooden bartop at the other.  Two doors offered access to the room, one to the kitchens and owner's quarters and the other to the privies and the bathhouse, located on a lower level of the structure.  Near the fireplace is a stairs that takes one to the upper floor where there are 14 well-appointed rooms.
Interior of the Mason's Rest Inn
Parent Location
Owning Organization