Vosht / Voshtya

The title of Vosht is used by the Junn Harr tribes to denote a tribal or clan leader.  This leader has a binding authority in all tribal matters pertaining to wealth, contracts, justice and personal disputes.  They are also the accepted leaders of military action or defense should the situation require one.   A Vosht is typically the senior member of the tribe or clan, but the title can go to any member that the collective can agree on.  Most Vosht are men, but there are women who hold the title as well (Voshtya when held by a woman).  The Vosht is the final authority in decisions concerning the tribe's herd animals and has the power of life and death in matters of tribal honor, security and safety.  When sitting as judge for a question of honor, the Vosht can pass any sentence they see fit, including banishment or death.
Form of Address
Syr (male) or Dama (female)
Equates to
Chief, Judge, Ruler
Current Holders
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