Tribe of Belko

The Belkoplemya are the Junn Harr people ruled and protected by the Junn Harr Chieftan, Belko Belkonov. "Belkoplemya" is the Junnharic term for the Tribe of Belko. These people are a large group of related families that herd horses, donkeys and camels along a more than 800-mile route that stretches from the Caldar River in the south to the banks of the Silverwine River in the north.


Belko Belkonov is the chief judge and arbiter for all the members of his tribe. The Junnharic title for this position in Junn Harr society is Vosht, which translates as "leader" or "chief" of the people.  He has the final say on everything from marriage contracts to property disputes, and is the accepted choice to decide all military or administrative issues the tribe may face.


Whenever currency is utilized by teh Belko tribe, the preferred coin is the Colian Mark. However, most commerce is conducted with the trade of horses or other livestock. Typically, an average steppe pony (actually a sturdy breed of horse known as a rouncey) is valued by the Junn Harr as worth 20 to 30 shillings. Finer breeds (and the Junn Harr breed an excellent stock of courser much prized in Imesse and Colo) can bring a value of more than 8 guilders each.   The Belko currently have a collective herd consisting of 240 camels, 160 donkeys and 451 horses of various breeds.  These animals have a conservative value of more than 1,900 guilders or $760,000.

Demography and Population

The Tribe of Belko currently numbers 356 Human men, women and children.  These 356 people are members of 41 individual families that are all related (some quite distantly) to Belko himself.  These 41 families collectively control and protect a vast herd of more than 240 camels, 160 donkeys and 451 horses.  The wealth of the Tribe is considered to be vast in the culture of the Junn Harr, and the warriors of the Tribe are ready and able to defend it against all enemies.


The Tribe of Belko can mount a fighting force of 98 tribal warriors at any given time.  These warriors are mostly men (with 11 women) that are some of the best mounted archers in the world.  Able to it a hand-sized target at 50 yards from horseback at a full gallop and equipped with some of the finest leather armor ever crafted, these warriors are a force to be reckoned with under any circumstances.  All are capable swordsman as well, and all carry multiple short but deadly javelins that can drop a horse or rider with great effect.

Foreign Relations

The Tribe of Belko has a particularly close relationship with the Barony of Dunrick, and specifically with the Briar of Dunlowe, Guy Stepman. They make a two-week stop just a few miles from the Barony's border with the steppe twice a year to hunt, trade and visit with the people of Dunrick.   The Tribe has a violent and bloody history with the Briary of Wessold in the northwest of Imesse, specifically with the ruling lord there, Harris Isenbar and his vassals. Isenbar has for years encouraged deadly attacks against the Belkoplemya people as the move across the steppe in the twice-annual progression by his underlings along the border, seemingly targeting them by knowing when they are leaving or approaching the camps they keep near Dunrick.

Trade & Transport

The Belkoplemya move their entire tribe and nearly 900 animals more than 1,000 miles every calendar year.  Beginning in the spring, they leave the seasonal city of Zimnii Gorod on the banks of the Caldar River and move northeast to the western edge of the Barony of Dunrick.  They then move north again to the Morloth River.  They again move north through the Morloth Plains to the territory of the Clan Bencannon, then the Clan Benallen and then northwest again to the foothills of the Ard Cruach Mountains.  Three out of every five years, this is the annual end of this plemya's journey.  The other two years, they continue on another 500 miles to the Summer City on the banks of the Silverwine River.   They trade horses, camels and donkeys for ivory, hides and specialty goods only available at specific places or times.  Mammoth and mastodon tusks, walrus ivory, Leviathan hides, dragon bones and oil, gems and rare ores, and (of course) fresh breeding stock for their herds.  All along the way they hunt bison, auroch, bear, elk, beaver and moose.  They kill and skin wolves, foxes, minks, martins, and cats and fashion valuable leather goods and cloaks from the pelts.  They fashion and trade unique and powerful bows made from bone, wood and sinews that are highly prized all around the world.  Their leather armor and horse gear are similarly famous and much in demand.
  A group of Belkoplemya near Dunrick in the spring time.
A Belkoplemya child with a wolf hound on the banks of the Caldar River
Belkoplemya tending camels near the Manitar Mountains
Geopolitical, Tribe
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities