Belko Belkonov

Vosht Belko Belkonov

Belko Belkonov is Vosht (the leader and chief) of the Belkoplemya, or the Tribe of Belko in Caldarian. He is a 64-year old Human male that is the leader of 356 Junn Harr people that herd horses, donkeys and camels across the vast The Junn Steppe.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A very fit man for his age.  Standing 6'1" tall, he strikes a fine figure.  His hair and beard are steel gray, and he has some significant scars to show a lifetime of fighting and hard work.  He has a quick laugh and a booming voice.

Apparel & Accessories

Belko has a particularly ornate set of leather armor that is crafted from the hides of a Leviathan that was harvested by Storm Giants.  This leather is completely waterproof and is as soft and supple as cotton but as tough and durable as the thickest, heaviest rawhide.  It has even saved Belko from an attack by a Giant Boar that would have gutted him had he been wearing anything else.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Belko's only sister, Bilka, married Guy Stepman of the Barony of Dunrick 37 years ago.  They had a son, Giles, and when Giles turned two years old, Stepman brought his family to the encampment of the Belkoplemya so the entire family could meet him.  While returning to Dunrick, the small party was attacked by Orcs and Bilka and Giles were both killed, and Stepman was seriously wounded.  He was rescued by his brother and returned to his home where he recovered his health, but he never remarried.  Guy Stepman and Belko have remained very close ever since, and meet twice a year when the Belkoplemya pass by during their seasonal migration.

Failures & Embarrassments

Belko has a very troubled history with the Lord of Wessold, Harris Isenbar.  Isenbar has encouraged deadly attacks on his people over the last 20 years, and while the Belkoplemya has a very capable fighting force to defend itself with, it is costly and painful for the people of the tribe to be constantly on guard whenever they are travelling near Isenbar territory.

Personality Characteristics


Belko is very concerned about the threat posed by the Togorrukh warband of Orcs that are menacing the hills and highlands west of Dunrick.  His plemya, or tribe, does outnumber the Orcs but the risk is still very great and very real.  Because of this, he looks to build an association with his brother-in-law's lord, Gill am Borri, so that the threat doesn't have to be faced by either party alone.


Family Ties

Belko is the brother-in-law of Guy Stepman, who married his only sister many years ago. Both she and her son, Giles, were killed by Orcs while returning to the Briary of Dunlowe from visiting him. Guy survived and has remained very close to his brother-in-law all these many years later.  Through his ties with Guy, Belko looks to build better relations with the Barony and its leadership.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Vosht of the Belkoplemya people
Currently Held Titles
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations