Yatoth Tog

Yatoth Tog

Yatoth Tog is an Orc warchief that has begun to raise a band of particularly dangerous Orcs in the badlands just west of the Barony of Dunrick. Yatoth thinks he has seen 40 winters, which would make him older than the average male Orc, but he does not know how old he is. What is known for certain is that Yatoth Tog (Yatoth Terrible, in Orcish) is the most dangerous warchief within a thousand square miles of the eastern limit of The Junn Steppe. He is large even for an Orc, standing nearly 7' tall with hugely broad shoulders and massive arms. He is shockingly cunning and has a capacity for rational planning and tactics when raiding and attacking enemies that are capable of defending themselves.   Yatoth has gathered a band (known amongst themselves as Togorrukh) of 118 very capable and savage Orc warriors, all seasoned fighters. In addition, he has another 85 females and juveniles following his band as it marauds its way across the hill country known in Imesse and Cobal as the Manitor Mountains.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very large, even for an Orc.  Standing 6'11" and weighing almost 400 lbs, Yatoth is immensely strong, very fast and extremely dangerous.

Facial Features

Heavily scarred with black hair worn in a topknot.  Large protruding tusks denote him as a prime example of a Northern Orc (Homo Horriblis Septentriones), along with is smaller ears and gray skintone.

Identifying Characteristics

Very tall and heavily muscled with many terrible facial scars.  Eyes are a dirty yellow that is distinct even for Orcs.

Special abilities

Yatoth has demonstrated an ability to rationally plan his attacks against enemies that have the capacity to defend themselves.  This is not a typical trait found in Orcs, even in accomplished warchiefs like Yatoth.  The typical method of attack by an Orc warband is ambush attack with maximum shock effect in an attempt to immediately overwhelm the enemy.  While very often effective when surprise is total, it is not the most efficient means of winning battles against a more evenly matched or aware enemy.  Yatoth has enough control over his band of marauders that he can conceive and execute complicated plans that greatly increase the probability of success while decreasing the risk of losses to his fighters.  This is a particularly concerning ability in an Orc warchief.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Stories abound about the exploits and accomplishments of Yatoth Tog amongst his warband.  One of particular note is that upon returning from his first raid against a Junn Harr camp, he returned to his mother's hearth unblooded and empty-handed.  His mother, named Yanev and less than 15 years older than Yatoth, raged at the young Orc and slapped him across his tuskless face.  She then turned her back to return to the cooking hearth.  Yatoth took up his axe, struck his mother's head from her shoulders, and then proceeded to finish the food she had been preparing for herself, now both blooded and fed.
Around 40
Current Residence
West of Barony of Dunrick