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Council of Radiant Light

The Council of Radiant Light is the supreme governing body that oversees the operations of the esteemed and honourable knightly orders of Karida. It is central to the decision-making processes and strategical developments for the various orders which uphold the ideals of Haldra, the goddess of light and truth. The Council ensures that the knightly orders remain united in their shared values and objectives while also retaining the autonomy and unique focus of each order.   The Council of Radiant Light, though part of the Order of Haldra, operates with near autonomy to ensure it can effectively carry out its duties at arm's length. While technically the High Priest of the Order of Haldra and the Monarch of Karida have the authority to supersede the Council or the Grand Masters’ decisions, this power has only been invoked twice in history during times of dire emergency. This delicate balance of authority, though generally harmonious, can sometimes lead to jurisdictional tensions or conflicts, especially considering that the Monarch commands separate military forces, distinct from the Knightly Orders under the Council of Radiant Light.

Knightly Orders

The knightly orders of Karida are esteemed and honourable organizations within the religious and cultural fabric of the nation. Committed to upholding the ideals of Haldra, the goddess of light and truth, these orders play a crucial role in safeguarding the innocent, preserving the teachings of the faith, and maintaining the peace and order of the realm. Each order has its unique focus and purpose, reflecting a specific aspect of Haldra's divine grace. Among the prominent knightly orders are:
  • Hand of Light - The Hand of Light is renowned for its dedication to aiding those in need. Composed of valiant knights, they travel tirelessly across the land, offering protection to refugees, pilgrims, and travellers from the threats of bandits and malevolent creatures. Their noble mission is to bring light, safety, and hope to those embarking on perilous journeys.
  • Blue Suns - The Blue Suns is a revered order known for its affiliation with healing and the protection of abbeys. Its members consist of skilled warriors and specialist healers who diligently safeguard sacred places of worship and provide medical aid to the injured and infirm. Their distinct blue armour signifies their commitment to the preservation of faith and the restoration of physical well-being.
  • Order of the Sacred Shield - The Order of the Sacred Shield stands as a bulwark against evil and corruption. Clad in gleaming silver armour adorned with the emblem of a shield, these knights defend the innocent, uphold justice, and strive to maintain the purity of Haldra's teachings in the face of darkness and malevolence.
  • Dawnbringers - The Dawnbringers are a select group of knights who are entrusted with the task of heralding the new day and dispelling the lingering shadows of night. They undertake daily rituals at dawn, offering prayers and invocations to honour Haldra's role as the bringer of light and symbolize the triumph of hope over despair.
  • Order of the Luminous Blade - Known for their exceptional swordsmanship, the knights of the Order of the Luminous Blade wield their weapons with precision and grace. They are devoted to the art of combat and chivalry, embodying the ideals of honour, courage, and skill in their every action.
  • Sentinels of Truth - The Sentinels of Truth are charged with the task of preserving and disseminating the sacred knowledge and scriptures of Haldra. These scholars and knights are entrusted with the ancient texts, diligently transcribing, translating, and safeguarding the wisdom contained within. They are the guardians of truth and serve as repositories of knowledge in the realm.
  • Order of the Shattered Star - The Order of the Shattered Star is comprised of knights who have endured great personal trials and emerged stronger and more resolute. They carry the symbol of a fragmented star, representing the resilience and determination to overcome adversity. These knights exemplify the transformative power of Haldra's light, inspiring others with their unwavering resolve.
  • Radiant Cavaliers - The Radiant Cavaliers are renowned for their skill in mounted combat and their unwavering loyalty to the crown and the faith. Clad in radiant golden armour, they serve as the elite cavalry of Karida, charging fearlessly into battle to protect the realm and uphold the principles of justice and order.
  • The Dawnbreakers - The Dawnbreakers, with their unyielding resolve and unwavering dedication, emerge as the vanguard against the encroaching darkness. These knights are distinguished by their distinctive dark armour adorned with intricate engravings symbolizing a runic sword. As the first rays of dawn pierce through the shadows, the Dawnbreakers stand at the forefront of battles, combating the forces of evil and protecting the realm from malevolent entities.
  • The Silver Blades - The Silver Blades are renowned for their swift and precise strikes, embodying the grace and brilliance of Haldra's divine light in combat. These knights don shimmering silver armour, reflecting the ethereal glow of moonlight. Masters of swordsmanship, they wield their blades with exceptional finesse and fluidity, seamlessly transitioning between offense and defence. The Silver Blades are not only formidable warriors but also exemplars of chivalry and honour. Their disciplined approach to combat and unwavering adherence to a code of conduct make them paragons of virtue and symbols of Haldra's grace. Through their actions, they strive to bring clarity, righteousness, and harmony to a world plagued by discord and darkness.
  • The Shieldbearers -The Shieldbearers are stalwart protectors who stand as bastions of courage and guardianship, shielding the innocent from harm. Clad in resilient armour, these knights are adorned with emblems of shields and fortified by unyielding determination. The Shieldbearers are known for their unwavering loyalty, their willingness to sacrifice their own safety for the greater good, and their unshakeable commitment to defending the weak and defenceless.
These knightly orders, with their diverse focuses and distinct traditions, form an integral part of Karida's cultural and martial heritage. Their collective dedication to the values of Haldra's light ensures the protection, prosperity, and harmony of the kingdom.

Lightspire Guard

The Lightspire Guard is an esteemed and distinguished Knightly Order in the Kingdom of Karida, tasked with the solemn duty of safeguarding the Lightspire, a revered temple in the capital city of Lyriath. As protectors of this sacred site, members of the Lightspire Guard are not only skilled warriors but are also deeply pious individuals, well-versed in the teachings and rituals of the Order of Haldra. The Lightspire Guard stands as the stalwart defenders of faith, ensuring that the sanctity of the Lightspire is upheld and that pilgrims who come to seek solace and divine guidance find a serene and hallowed atmosphere.   Unlike other Knightly Orders, the Lightspire Guard is under the direct authority of the Order of Haldra. This unique position symbolizes the close intertwining of faith and duty that defines the Lightspire Guard. The head of the Lightspire Guard, known as the Guardian of the Spire, is appointed by the High Priestess of the Order of Haldra and serves as a spiritual and martial figure. The Lightspire Guard holds an esteemed place in the hearts of the faithful and represents the unyielding resolve to protect the holy precincts of Haldra’s grace.


The Council of Radiant Light comprises delegates from each of the Karidan Knightly Orders. Each Order is led by a Grand Master, who is often on field missions and cannot attend to day-to-day matters. Therefore, each Grand Master appoints a delegate, usually a seasoned knight with significant experience and wisdom, to represent their Order in the Council. These delegates are known as Beacons. In addition to the Beacons, the Council is led by a High Beacon, who is elected among the Beacons for a term of five years. The High Beacon ensures the smooth functioning of the Council and serves as the chief liaison between the Council and the Crown, religious authorities, and foreign entities.


The Council of Radiant Light meets at the Hallowed Hall of Luminance, a grand building located in Karida's capital. Regular sessions are held monthly, but emergency sessions can be convened by the High Beacon or upon the request of at least three Beacons.

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Coordination among Orders - The Council of Radiant Light ensures that there is a synergy among the different Knightly Orders. It coordinates joint missions and allocates resources where they are needed the most.
  • Advisory Role - The Council provides counsel to the Crown of Karida on matters of defense, justice, and faith. It also advises the Grand Master of the Knightly Orders on strategic matters.
  • Record Keeping and Knowledge Dissemination - The Council is responsible for maintaining records of the achievements and activities of the Knightly Orders. It also facilitates the sharing of knowledge among the Orders.
  • Diplomacy - The Council, particularly through the High Beacon, engages in diplomatic relations with other kingdoms, religious organizations, and entities.
  • Training and Development - While each order oversees their own training of new recruits, the Council is a vital forum to share innovations and developments. It ensures that all the Knightly Orders have access to the best training in martial skills, faith, and chivalry.
  • Adjudication - The Council has the authority to adjudicate disputes among the Orders or between members of an Order.
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Divines, Spirits and their Realms
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Chronicle of War
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Articles under Council of Radiant Light

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney
Character flag image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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