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The Karidan goddess of light, truth and justice

Haldra, the resplendent goddess of light and truth, holds a place of reverence and adoration within the realm of the Kingdom of Karida. She stands as the primary deity of this northern land, where the harsh winters and fleeting summers make the worship of a sun or light deity crucial for the revival of life's vibrant cycles. The faithful of Haldra find solace and guidance in her radiant presence, embracing the virtues of enlightenment, purity, and the pursuit of truth.   The religious order dedicated to Haldra is known as the Order of Haldra, an esteemed institution comprising various facets and branches. At the helm of this sacred order resides the esteemed high priest, who serves as the spiritual guide and representative of Haldra's divine will. The high priest, chosen from among the most devout and knowledgeable clergy, is responsible for upholding the teachings of Haldra, leading religious ceremonies, and providing counsel to both the faithful and the ruling monarch.   The grand temple dedicated to Haldra in the capital city of Karida, Orynthia, stands as a beacon of divine radiance. Known as the Lightspire, this magnificent structure with its gleaming spires and luminescent architecture serves as a focal point for worship, gathering the faithful in communion and reverence. Within the Lightspire's hallowed halls, rituals, ceremonies, and prayers echo, invoking Haldra's blessings upon the land and its people.   Central to the faith of Haldra are the Karidan Knights, esteemed organizations comprised of valiant warriors dedicated to upholding the tenets of light, justice, and protecting the innocent. These knightly orders stand as noble defenders, sworn to maintain the balance of truth and order within the realm of Karida. Among the renowned knightly orders are the Blue Suns, whose healers and guardians bring solace and protection to the vulnerable, and the Hand of Light, whose steel armour and steadfast valour symbolize the unfaltering light of Haldra,    In addition to the Blue Suns and the Hands of Light, the Order of Haldra encompasses several other esteemed knightly orders, each with its own distinctive focus and purpose. The Dawnbreakers, with their unyielding resolve and unwavering dedication, emerge as the vanguard against the encroaching darkness. The Silver Blades, renowned for their swift and precise strikes, embody the grace and brilliance of Haldra's divine light in combat. The Shieldbearers, stalwart protectors, stand as bastions of courage and guardianship, shielding the innocent from harm.   The harmony between the faith of Haldra and the monarchy of Karida has endured for centuries, forging a strong alliance between religion and state. The monarchy, recognizing the pivotal role of Haldra's light in the revitalization of their land and the preservation of their cultural traditions, actively supports and fosters the worship of the goddess. The cooperation between the crown and the Order of Haldra ensures the prosperity and well-being of the realm, intertwining the spiritual and secular realms in a harmonious union.   Within the frigid winters of Karida, when the sun's rays are scarce, the devotion to Haldra shines brightest, illuminating the hearts and minds of the faithful. Through her divine radiance, Haldra offers hope, inspiration, and the promise of renewed life. Her unwavering presence serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the light of truth and enlightenment shall guide the way, heralding the arrival of a new summer and the eternal cycle of life's renewal.
Divine Classification


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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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