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Druid Circle

The Druid Circle is a revered spiritual organization within the wider religion of Eldorathi Druidism, primarily centred in the Ironpeak region. Its members, known as Druids, are custodians of ancient wisdom, natural lore, and the spiritual practices that have been passed down through generations. The organization is known for its deep reverence for nature, and its guiding principles are built upon the harmonious coexistence of the Eldorathi people with the natural world. The Druid Circle plays a significant role in the spiritual, cultural, and political life of the region.


The hierarchy within the Druid Circle is based on wisdom, spiritual connection, and mastery of druidic arts. The organizational structure is as follows:
  • Archdruid - The head of the Druid Circle. The Archdruid is the highest authority and is seen as the spiritual leader of not only the Circle but also of the Eldorathi people.
  • High Druids - Those who have shown exceptional wisdom and understanding of the ancient traditions. They often act as advisors to the Archdruid and oversee various functions within the Circle.
  • Druids - The general members of the Druid Circle. They have been initiated into the Circle and have dedicated their lives to studying the natural world and serving the Eldorathi community.
  • Novices - Those who are in training to become Druids. Novices are typically young members of the community who have expressed a deep connection to nature and wish to join the Circle.
The Druid Circle also organizes itself into various specializations, including healers, loremasters, and ritualists, each focusing on different aspects of druidic knowledge and practice.
  • Healers - Druids who are specifically trained in the art of natural healing. They use herbs, rituals, and spiritual connection to cure ailments and maintain the well-being of the community.
  • Loremasters -  They specialize in the oral traditions and ancient lore of Druidism. They are the preservers of history and are often consulted for their deep wisdom.
  • Ritualists - Druids specialized in conducting various rituals and ceremonies that are integral to Druidism. They possess a deep understanding of the spiritual significance and the intricacies involved in different rituals.


The culture of the Druid Circle is defined by a deep reverence for nature and a commitment to maintaining the balance between the natural world and human civilization. Core beliefs and customs include:
  • Respect for Nature - Druids believe that all of nature is sacred and should be respected and protected. They often act as mediators between the natural world and the Eldorathi society, ensuring that the latter's actions do not harm the environment.
  • Spiritual Connection - The Circle teaches that individuals can form deep spiritual connections with the natural world, and that this connection can bring wisdom, peace, and harmony.
  • Oral Tradition - The Circle maintains a strong oral tradition. Knowledge is passed down through stories, rituals, and direct teaching rather than written texts.
  • Community Service - Druids play an active role in the community, offering healing, counsel, and spiritual guidance to those who seek it.
  • Ceremonial Practices - The Circle observes various ceremonies and rituals that mark the seasons, honour the spirits of nature, and celebrate the cyclical nature of life.
The Druid Circle's culture is integral to the identity of the Eldorathi people, and its influence can be seen in various aspects of daily life, from festivals and celebrations to the deep respect for the natural world that is ingrained in Eldorathi society.
Druidic Circle
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney
Character flag image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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