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Eldorathi Druidism

Eldorathi Druidism is an ancient spiritual tradition and religion practised primarily in the mountainous regions of Eldorath, centred around the worship of nature, ancestral spirits, and the elemental forces.


  • The Druidic Circle - The Druid Circle, led by the Archdruid, is the priesthood of the religion of Eldorathi Druidism. They are responsible for maintaining the oral traditions, conducting major rituals, and serving as spiritual advisers to the community and rulers.


As Eldorathi Druidism relies heavily on oral tradition, its history is somewhat shrouded in mystery. It is believed to have originated several centuries before the establishment of the Kingdom of Theron. Druidic traditions were initially passed down through generations of Eldorathi tribes, who revered the land's spirits and elemental forces. As the tribes settled and formed more structured societies, the Druidic Circle evolved into a more organized institution. The Druidic Circle played a pivotal role in the agreement between King Balinor Stoneheart and the Eldorathi community to respect the natural world while harnessing its resources.

Mythology & Lore

Eldorathi Druidism doesn’t worship gods in the conventional sense but holds reverence for spirits and elemental forces.
  • Ancestral Spirits - The spirits of ancestors, particularly those who were great warriors or druids, are revered and sought for guidance and protection.
  • Elemental Spirits - Spirits associated with natural elements such as earth, water, air, and fire. Each element is believed to have its own spirits, known as Elementals.
  • The Great Tree - A representation of nature as a whole, The Great Tree is considered the source of all life and is seen as a divine entity.
  • Animals Spirits - Spirits of animals, especially native to the Eldorath region, like hawks, wolves, and bears, are considered guardians and messengers.

Cosmological Views

Eldorathi Druidism believes that the world is a living entity, interconnected through the roots of The Great Tree. Each root represents different aspects of existence - such as the elements, animals, and ancestors. They believe that the balance of these roots is essential for harmony in the world. Time is perceived as cyclical, akin to the seasons, and reincarnation is a common belief.


In Eldorathi Druidism, worship is deeply connected to the natural world and includes a mix of individual and communal practices.
  • Nature Reverence - Devotees often spend time in nature, meditating and offering thanks to the spirits of the land. They might leave small offerings, such as fruits or woven garlands, at sacred trees or springs.
  • Ancestor Veneration - Eldorathi households typically have small ancestral shrines where they offer tribute to their forebears, seeking their guidance and protection.
  • Seasonal Festivals - Four major festivals corresponding to the solstices and equinoxes are crucial in Eldorathi Druidism. These festivals celebrate the cycles of nature, and large gatherings are held with feasting, dancing, and ritualistic practices.
  • Ritualistic Chanting and Storytelling - Recitation of ancient chants and storytelling are common. These tales often include wisdom passed down through generations and stories of the spirits.
  • Sacred Tattoos and Amulets - Many followers wear sacred tattoos or amulets representing elemental symbols, animal spirits, or ancestral sigils as a form of devotion and protection.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Eldorathi Druidism holds significant sway in the political landscape of Eldorath. The Druidic Circle often acts as an advisor to the ruling class. The Lord of Ironpeak and King of the Mountain traditionally seek the Circle's counsel, especially in matters that concern the land and its resources. The druids, being deeply connected to the people, can influence public opinion and sometimes play a decisive role in the ascension of leaders. Moreover, the Circle's authority is also acknowledged in legitimizing claims through ancestral connections. The druids have been known to use their influence to ensure that leaders respect the natural balance and uphold the traditions and values of Eldorathi Druidism.


  • The Rootbinders - This sect focuses specifically on the reverence of The Great Tree and its roots. They believe that by strengthening their connection to The Great Tree, they can bring balance to the natural world and themselves. Rootbinders often live in forests, rarely venturing into populated areas.
  • The Stormcallers - The Stormcallers revere the elemental spirit of air and specialize in controlling the weather, particularly storms. They are often sought for their ability to predict and sometimes influence weather patterns, which is vital for agriculture and navigation. They can often be found in the Stormforge Peaks attempting to divine the weather.
  • The Spirit Whisperers This sect primarily focuses on communicating with the spirits of nature and the deceased. They are known to act as mediums and conduct rituals to appease restless spirits.
The mainstream Druidic Circle sees these sects as extensions of the central beliefs but tends to maintain a cautious distance from the more radical aspects of their practices.
Religious, Druidic Circle
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Articles under Eldorathi Druidism

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney
Character flag image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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