Fall of Sarnath Military Conflict in Tiburon | World Anvil
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Fall of Sarnath


The Fall of Sarnath refers to the decades-long ideological and civil conflict causing the catastrophic collapse of the once-great city of Sarnath and its surrounding civilization. This event occurred at the culmination of a prolonged period of environmental decline known as the Amal'Zharab (Creeping Desolation). This article focuses on the conflict and societal breakdown within the city itself, detailing the brutal and often gruesome events that unfolded as Sarnath's population grappled with dwindling resources and mounting desperation.   Note: Much of the information presented here is derived from oral histories of the Kep'Dhori and Alkep'Sarnathi peoples, as well as the controversial journals of Professor Kaelor Thenn's expedition (298-303 RE). The lack of primary sources and the passage of time make it difficult to verify all details with absolute certainty.


Sarnath, once the crown jewel of a vast and prosperous empire, sat at the heart of the lush Sarnath Basin. For centuries, it thrived as a center of culture, commerce, and learning. However, the onset of the Amal'Zharab, a prolonged period of desertification, set in motion a chain of events that would lead to the city's downfall.   The Amal'Zharab, or Creeping Desolation, was likely triggered by the Great Darkness, a global dimming event that affected the entire planet around 1540 BRE (Before Republic Era), and known by many names in many cultures across the known world.
"The sky darkened, and the earth withered. The waters receded, and the sands encroached. Thus began the age of Amal'Zharab, the Creeping Desolation that would devour our paradise."
— Extract from "The Lament of the Last Seer of Sarnath," attributed to Orladdi oral tradition
This catastrophic climate shift transformed the once-verdant Green Realm of Sarnath into an increasingly arid wasteland. As resources dwindled and the environment deteriorated, Sarnath's population faced increasing hardship. The city's leadership, long accustomed to abundance, struggled to adapt to the new reality.

Phases of the Conflict

1. Initial Unrest (Early Stages of Amal'Zharab)

As the effects of the Amal'Zharab became more pronounced, tensions within Sarnath began to rise. Early conflicts were primarily centered around resource allocation and distribution:
  • Protests and riots erupted over water rationing policies
  • Clashes between city guards and desperate citizens became more frequent
  • Reports of thefts and burglaries targeting food storage facilities increased dramatically
  • The elite implemented strict travel bans and population control measures, likely exacerbating social stratification and serf-like conditions for the common people that already existed.

2. Exodus and Fortification

As conditions worsened, a significant portion of Sarnath's population chose to leave the city:
  • Massive exoduses led to chaos at the city gates, with some accounts describing trampling deaths and violent clashes between those fleeing and those attempting to maintain order
  • The ruling elite, refusing to abandon their ancestral home, ordered the fortification of the city and the implementation of martial law
  • Remaining citizens were conscripted into work gangs to strengthen defenses and manage dwindling resources

3. Descent into Savagery

The final phase of Sarnath's fall was marked by a complete breakdown of societal norms and a descent into unimaginable brutality:
  • Household turned against household in desperate raids for food and water
  • Public executions became commonplace, with accused "hoarders" and "traitors" put to death in gruesome spectacles and blood games
  • Cannibalism, first practiced in secret, became increasingly open and widespread
"Beware the hunger that consumes not just the body, but the soul. In the shadow of the fallen towers, man feasts on man, and Sarnath devours itself."
— Warning inscribed on the walls of an abandoned Sarnath outpost, discovered by the Thenn Expedition

Key Events

The Night of a Thousand Blades

According to Orladdi oral traditions, a pivotal moment in Sarnath's fall came during an event known as the "Night of a Thousand Blades." On this night, a coalition of middle-class households, driven to desperation, launched a coordinated attack on the elite districts of the city. The resulting conflict saw street-to-street fighting, with improvised weapons and ancient heirlooms alike turned into instruments of death. Thenn's journals describe vivid accounts of "rivers of blood flowing through once-pristine courtyards" and "mounds of corpses blocking entire avenues."

The Feast of Madness

Perhaps the most infamous event in Sarnath's final days was the so-called "Feast of Madness." As recounted in both Kep'Dhori oral histories and Thenn's recovered notes, this event marked the point at which cannibalism became openly practiced in the city. During a gathering of remaining elite families in the central palace, food supplies were exhausted. In a horrifying turn of events, the hosts allegedly turned on their guests, slaughtering them and serving their flesh as the feast's main course. This act of desperation and depravity is said to have shattered any remaining social taboos, leading to widespread, open cannibalism throughout the city.

The Last Stand of the Water Wardens

In the final days of Sarnath, a group known as the Water Wardens in the city became under attack. Some fled, while others made a last, desperate attempt to protect the city's remaining water supplies. Barricading themselves in the central cistern, they fought off waves of frenzied attackers. Thenn's journals describe the aftermath: "The chambers of the great cistern were choked with bloated corpses, the water tainted beyond use. The walls bore testament to the ferocity of the battle, scored with blade marks and spattered with blood reaching improbable heights."

The Hunger Outbreak

Compounding the city's woes was an outbreak of The Hunger, a parasitic fungal infection that ravaged the weakened population. This horrific disease, with its mind-altering effects and gruesome physical manifestations, likely contributed to the chaos and violence of Sarnath's final days. Some scholars speculate that the practice of cannibalism may have accelerated the spread of The Hunger.
"Beware the hunger that consumes not just the body, but the soul. In the shadow of the fallen towers, man feasts on man, and Sarnath devours itself."
— Warning inscribed on the walls of an abandoned Sarnath outpost, discovered by the Thenn Expedition


The exact moment of Sarnath's "fall" is difficult to pinpoint, as the city's decline was gradual. However, by the time the last pockets of organized resistance crumbled, Sarnath had ceased to exist as a functioning society. The aftermath of the fall gave rise to three distinct groups among the survivors:
  • The Orladdi - Descendants of those who fled Sarnath early in its decline, adapting to a nomadic lifestyle.
  • The Shek - Purportedly descended from Sarnath's priesthood or possibly the Water Wardens guardians of ancient knowledge and hidden water caches.
  • The Irwadi - Believed to be descended from those who remained in Sarnath until its grisly end, known for their brutal raiding practices and rumored cannibalism.

Legacy and Cultural Impact

The Fall of Sarnath has left an indelible mark on the cultures of the Great Desert:
  • The event serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of pride and the fragility of civilization
  • Many Kep'Dhori traditions and taboos can be traced back to reactions against the horrors that occurred during Sarnath's fall
  • The Kep'Dhori have developed strict cultural taboos against entering the ruins of Sarnath, viewing the site as contaminated both physically and spiritually
"In the whisper of the wind and the shift of the sands,
Listen close, for Sarnath's ghosts still walk these lands.
A warning to the living, a testament to the dead,
Of a paradise lost and the desert that spread."
— Kep'Dhori campfire song, recorded by the Thenn Expedition

Academic Debate and Controversy

The exact details of Sarnath's fall remain a subject of intense academic debate. Some scholars argue that the accounts have been exaggerated over time, while others point to the consistent themes in various oral histories and the corroborating evidence from archaeological studies. The tragic fate of the Thenn Expedition, particularly the implied role of the Irwadi in its downfall, has added fuel to these debates. Some researchers draw parallels between the expedition's end and the legendary horrors of Sarnath's final days.   Key points of contention include:
  • The accuracy of linguistic interpretations of Kep'Dhori oral histories
  • The extent of AlKep'Sarnathi tribal diversity and their role in the fall
  • The true nature of the Shek and their ancient knowledge
  • The role of the Irwadi in preserving and potentially distorting the memory of Sarnath's fall
  • The impact of The Hunger on the city's final days and its potential role in shaping post-fall societies


The Fall of Sarnath stands as one of history's most tragic and horrifying examples of societal collapse. While the full truth may never be known, the legacy of Sarnath's fall continues to shape the cultural landscape of the Great Desert and serves as a grim reminder of the depths to which humanity can sink in the face of existential crisis.
"From the ashes of Sarnath, we arose.
In the harsh embrace of the desert, we endure.
May we never forget the folly of our ancestors,
Nor the price paid for their pride."
— Closing lines of the "Oath of the Dunes," recited by Kep'Dhori tribal leaders
Conflict Type
Civil War
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Destruction of Empire of Sarnath



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