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The Orladdi people are a prominent group of nomadic people who inhabit the vast expanse of the Great Desert and one of the Kep'Dhori. They call themselves the "Orlaun'addi" which is translated literally as "Traders of the Journey", and consider themselves one of the Kep'Sarnathi, or descendants of the Sarnath Empire.   They display remarkable resilience and adaptability in the face of its harsh and unforgiving conditions. Renowned for their exceptional navigation skills and deep connection with the desert environment, the Orladdi have established themselves as indispensable guides and trackers for Namorian explorers and prospectors venturing into the treacherous wilderness.   These tribes, while dispersed across the desert, maintain loose affiliations based on familial and cultural ties. Their way of life is centered around survival and resourcefulness, as they traverse the shifting sands in search of sustenance and sustenance for their herds. The Orladdi are adept at locating hidden water sources, reading the stars for guidance, and understanding the subtle nuances of the desert's ever-changing landscape. Their navigation skills have made them highly sought after, with Namorian ships and expeditions often seeking their expertise to safely navigate the perilous desert terrain.   The Orladdi's unique affinity for the desert is intertwined with their spirituality and mythology, drawing from their ancient past and the stories passed down through generations. They revere the desert as both a provider and a formidable force, harbouring deep respect for its power and grandeur. Rituals and ceremonies are conducted to honour the desert's spirits and seek their protection and guidance in their nomadic existence. The Orladdi's spiritual practices often blend seamlessly with their practical and stoic way of life, forming an intrinsic part of their cultural identity.   While the Orladdi generally maintain peaceful coexistence within their own tribes, occasional conflicts arise between the Orladdi and the Irwadi another nomadic group inhabiting the Great Desert. The Irwadi, considered more lawless and predatory, often resort to raiding and preying upon other tribes for resources and survival. These encounters can escalate into skirmishes and territorial disputes, highlighting the complex dynamics and occasional tensions among the nomadic tribes.   Despite their fierce independence and self-sufficiency, the Orladdi tribes have maintained some interaction with the wider Namorian Republic. Their reputation as skilled navigators and guides has led to occasional collaborations and employment with Namorian expeditions and mining ventures. Orladdi trackers and guides play a crucial role in helping Namorian prospectors navigate the treacherous desert, locate valuable resources, and ensure their safe return.   The Orladdi's nomadic lifestyle, rooted in survival and harmonious coexistence with the desert, embodies a deep connection to their ancient heritage and the natural world. Their exceptional navigational skills, spiritual beliefs, and practical approach to life make them an integral part of the cultural fabric of the Great Desert, preserving their traditions and serving as a vital link between the desert's secrets and the outside world.
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