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Haldur Isolationists

The fundamentalist Haldur cults, called the Haldur Isolationsists by the Namorian Republic, departed from the city of Caldara in 234 RE to seek solace in the secluded Altair Mountains to form a reclusive and fiercely independent community. Their decision to abandon the city was driven by their unwavering dedication to preserving ancient traditions and resisting integration into the Namorian Republic. Unlike the more moderate people who remained in Caldara, they resisted the "watering down" of their history and culture.   Living deep within the rugged mountainous terrain of the Altair Mountains and Eastern Altair Foothills of the Eastern Altair Foothills, the cults have established remote settlements that remain untouched by external influences. Cut off from the political affairs and official presence of the Namorian Republic, they have forged a self-sufficient existence, relying on their ancient knowledge and close-knit communities.   The cults hold steadfast to their sacred rituals and beliefs, conducting ceremonies that have been passed down through generations. They maintain a deep connection to the natural world, viewing the mountains, forests, and rivers as sacred realms imbued with spiritual energy.   Their isolation has fostered an air of mystery around the cults, with few outsiders having witnessed their rituals or interacted with their members. Legends and rumours surround these enigmatic groups, attributing them with secret knowledge, ancient wisdom, and profound connections to the divine.   While the Namorian Republic generally respects the autonomy of the Haldur cults and their chosen way of life, occasional interactions occur between the cults and curious individuals from the outside world. These encounters are often met with caution and suspicion, as the cults maintain a strong sense of protectiveness over their beliefs and traditions.
Founding Date
234 RE
Religious, Cult
Predecessor Organization
Related Ethnicities


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Divines, Spirits and their Realms
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Chronicle of War
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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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