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Altair Mountains

The Altair Mountains are an expansive and largely impassable mountain range that extends across the Namorian Continent from east to west. Characterized by their towering peaks, precipitous slopes, and challenging terrain, these mountains have played a pivotal role in shaping the geography, climate, and historical migrations of the region's populations.   The mountains themselves are sparsely inhabited, primarily at the foothills where the land is more accommodating. They significantly contribute to the region's freshwater supply, housing numerous glaciers and giving rise to several streams that flow towards the southern regions of the continent.



To the west, the Altair Mountains meet the Amarok Peaks Peaks, a north-south range in Western Namoria, also known as the Hanaan Isthmus. To the east, they terminate at the Great Ocean, in the remote northern reaches of the Eastern Province. There, the mountains pose an insurmountable barrier, deterring even the formidable seafarers of the Thalmorian people from venturing further north.   While minor passes and valleys are scattered throughout the mountain range, the only major known route through is north of Mundalodem . This route, dubbed Altair Pass, is currently under tentative control of the Namorian Republic's Transaltair Frontier Authority.

Notable Locations

The vast Altair Mountain range is rich in notable locations, most of them shrouded in mystery due to their relative inaccessibility. Despite this, they hold historical, geographical, and sometimes spiritual significance.
  • Altair Pass - Located within Mundalodem Transaltair, this is the only known navigable route through the Altair Mountains. Its strategic location has made it a focal point of the Transaltair Frontier Authority's efforts to explore and secure the region. The pass is known for its challenging terrain, unpredictable weather, and stunning vistas.
  • Frostpeak - This is the highest known point in the Altair Mountain range. It’s often cloaked in year-round snow and ice, and is visible from several hundred kilometres away on clear days. Frostpeak is a subject of many local legends and is considered a challenge for the most experienced mountaineers.
  • Amarok Junction - The point where the Altair Mountains meet the Amarok Peaks in Western Namoria, the Amarok Junction, is a region of unique geological formations and an impressive landscape. The convergence of two major mountain ranges creates a dramatic tableau of jagged peaks and deep valleys.
  • Whispering Caves - A network of caves located within the Altair range, known for the strange acoustics that make the wind sound like whispering voices. These caves are steeped in local lore, with many believing they are home to ancient spirits.
  • Lonely Lake - A stunning glacial lake nestled within a valley in the Altair Mountains. The lake, known for its crystal-clear, ice-cold water, is rarely visited due to its remote location, but those who have made the journey speak of its tranquil, untouched beauty.
  • Sentinel Stones - A circle of towering monoliths on a remote plateau, the origins and purpose of the Sentinel Stones are unknown, but they are often associated with ancient rituals and celestial observations. The stones have been worn smooth by centuries of wind and weather, giving them an eerie, otherworldly appearance.
  • Seafarer’s End - Where the Altair Mountains meet the Great Ocean, this rocky shoreline is battered by violent storms, treacherous ice flows, and hidden undersea dangers. It marks the furthest known eastern point of the Altair range and is the subject of many a seafaring tale.


The Altair Mountains have a rich place in the mythology and history of the Namorian Continent, shaping migration patterns by directing populations east and west while deterring northern expansion. Moreover, their cold air currents have historically driven people towards the continent's southern coast during periods of climate change.   Despite the inhospitable environment, the mountains have always attracted explorers drawn by rumours of hidden riches, ancient ruins, and unexplored territories. While stories of gold veins, forgotten civilizations, and hidden treasures persist, the majority of expeditions to the range have found the harsh conditions overwhelming.

Modern Interest and Exploration

The Namorian Republic has historically shown little interest in exploring or attempting to conquer the Altair Mountains, viewing it as a costly and high-risk endeavour. However, the potential for unexplored mineral wealth and strategic passes remains a tantalizing possibility, and the frontier spirit continues to draw adventurers, prospectors, and the occasional official expedition to this challenging and intriguing landscape. Only recently, with the discovery of a pass through the mountains at Mundalodem Transaltair, has interest increased.
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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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