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Sothain River

The river Sothain is a significant waterway located in the province of Dagmit, within the Namorian Republic. It originates from the southern foothills of the Altair Mountains and meanders through the vast wetlands and peat bogs of Dagmit, before emptying into the Middle Sea. The river's flow and the fertile lands it nourishes are central to the livelihoods of the people in the region, playing a vital role in both transportation and agriculture.   The river Sothain springs from the Altair Mountains, its path shaped by the contours of the land. The river's course is characterized by numerous bends and turns as it travels southwards through Dagmit. Upon reaching Fendil, the provincial capital, it becomes wider and slower, marking the transition from upland to lowland terrain. It eventually finds its terminus at the Middle Sea, contributing to the region's rich maritime ecosystem.

Flora and Fauna

The river and its surrounding wetlands are home to a diverse array of plant and animal species. It provides habitats for water-loving plants, various types of fish, and numerous bird species. Particularly abundant are reed species, forming expansive reed beds along the riverbanks.

Human Usage

The river Sothain is integral to the human activities in Dagmit. Its waters are used for irrigation, and its banks serve as fertile grounds for the cultivation of crops. The river is also a vital transportation corridor, facilitating the movement of goods and people. The strategic placement of Fendil on its banks highlights the river's importance in the province's trade and communication networks.   The river is also central to the province's peat industry. The peat bogs that the river nurtures are harvested for peat, a valuable resource used for fuel and agricultural fertilizers.


Despite its industrial usage, efforts have been made to preserve the river Sothain's ecosystem. Learning from the lessons of the River Naiada, the Dagmit Administrative Authority has implemented regulations to prevent overharvesting of resources and pollution of the river's waters. This has been crucial in maintaining the river's health and biodiversity.
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Divines, Spirits and their Realms
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Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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