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Namorian Continent

Home of the Namorian Republic

The Namorian Continent is a vast landmass located in the northern hemisphere of the world. Named after the dominant Namorian Republic, the continent is home to diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and varied ecosystems. While much of the continent remains unexplored, the Namorian Republic's influence extends throughout its territories.   To the west of the Namorian Continent lies The Boundless Ocean, an expansive and uncharted body of water. The eastern boundary is defined by The Great Ocean, which connects to the eastern continent known as Orynthia. The Southern Continent is joined to the Namorian Continent via the Hanaan isthmus in Western Namoria. The Middle Sea separates the two continents.


The Known Regions

The Namorian Continent comprises several distinctive regions, each with its own character and significance:
  • Namoria - At the heart of the Namorian Republic lies Namoria, the political and cultural centre of the continent. Namor, the capital city of the republic, is situated in this region and serves as a hub of commerce, governance, and innovation.
  • Eastern Province - Previously known as Lanathal, the Eastern Province is an ancient region that has been part of the Namorian Republic since the time of the Namorian Kingdom. It boasts a rich historical heritage and is known for its beautiful landscapes and important cultural sites. It's also the main departure point for many eastward travellers.
  • Dagmit - Situated southwest of Namoria, the Dagmit region is characterized by its wetlands, swamp forests, and coastal areas. It is traversed by numerous rivers originating from the Altair Mountains. The Dagmit is primarily utilized for agriculture, including the cultivation of peat bogs for fertilizer.
  • Mundalodem - Located west of the Dagmit, Mundalodem is divided into two main areas: Far Mundalodem and Near Mundalodem. This region is known for its scenic beauty, fertile lands, and proximity to the Altair Mountains. In recent years, the establishment of Mundalodem Transaltair as a frontier province has expanded the reach of the Namorian Republic into the unexplored northern territories.
  • Acathi Peninsula - Jutting southward from Mundalodem into the Middle Sea, the Acathi Peninsula is named after the city of Acathi, a historic outpost during the time of the Namorian Kingdom. This region features stunning coastlines, rugged cliffs, and remnants of ancient fortifications.

Unexplored Regions

In addition to Namorian Republic-controlled regions, there are areas beyond the republic's jurisdiction:
  • Transaltair - North of the Altair Mountains, Transaltair encompasses a continent-spanning boreal forest. Further north, taiga and tundra lands extend into unexplored territories, largely untouched by the Namorian Republic.
  • Veyrmora - Located in the far northwest of the Namorian Continent, Veyrmora is a subcontinent shrouded in mystery. Legends speak of a vast forested territory with numerous craggy islands, abundant wildlife, and minimal human presence. It remains largely unexplored by the Namorian Republic, with only sporadic reports of isolated tribes and families inhabiting the region.
The Namorian Continent offers a wealth of natural beauty, cultural diversity, and untapped potential, beckoning adventurers and explorers to uncover its hidden treasures and unlock its secrets.
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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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