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Thalosian Confederation

The Thalosian Confederation was a seminal political entity that emerged in the Eastern Province of the continent during the Era of Kingdoms and Annexation (800 BRE - 460 BRE). Renowned for their maritime prowess and cultural fusion, the Thalosians, an amalgamation of migrating tribes and the ancient Zeth Thalosi seafarers, coalesced into a loose confederation of city-states dotting the Oram Coast.


Notable Locations

The Thalosian Confederation along the Oram Coast was dotted with numerous cities, towns, and villages, each harbouring its own distinct culture and traditions while being part of the Confederation. Some of the notable ones include:
  • Teros - By 345 RE, Teros became the major port town due to its strategic location and flourishing trade, acting as a gateway for voyages across the Great Ocean.
  • Avalis - A historic city known for its ancient architecture and grand library. It was once a hub for scholars and historians, with a strong emphasis on education and intellectual pursuits.
  • Siralon - A coastal city renowned for its shipbuilding, it played a significant role in developing the Thalosian fleet. It was here that the Thalosians designed and constructed some of the most advanced sea vessels of their time.
  • Thalasport - This city was known for its bustling markets and trade fairs, attracting merchants from far and wide. With a diverse populace, Thalasport was a melting pot of cultures and cuisines.
  • Olera - Nestled between the hills and the sea, Olera was famous for its terraced vineyards and wine production. The city often hosted wine festivals and was a popular destination for connoisseurs.
  • Eldoral - A historic city that was revered as a religious centre. The Temple of the Waves in Eldoral was a pilgrimage site for those who worshipped the sea deities.
  • Marin's Haven - A picturesque fishing village with whitewashed houses and narrow cobbled streets. It was known for its seafood cuisine and artisanal crafts.
  • Zeth's Landing - Named after the ancient Zeth Thalosi people, this town was believed to be the first settlement founded by them when they emerged from the sea. It had a sacred grove dedicated to the ancestors.
  • Osprey's Rest - Situated atop the cliffs, it was a fortified town known for its watchtowers and garrisons. The Thalosian Confederation used it as a lookout point for incoming ships and potential threats.
  • Coralis - A coastal town famous for its coral reefs and underwater wonders. Diving and exploration were popular here, and it had a vibrant market for selling precious shells and pearls.


The Thalosian Confederation was governed by a loose alliance of city-states, each with its own council. The councils comprised of respected elders, merchants, and naval captains. There was no central authority; instead, the city-states would convene to discuss and resolve matters of shared interest.   Throughout the history of the Thalosian Confederation, there was no fixed capital. Instead, the confederacy’s meetings rotated among the various city-states and sometimes significant towns. This practice fostered a sense of shared responsibility and involvement among the various communities within the confederacy. The rotation of the meeting place also allowed for a rich exchange of culture and knowledge, as delegates from different regions brought unique perspectives and experiences to the discussions.


Formation and Early History

Around 1540 BRE, the Eastern Province experienced the catastrophic Darkening, causing a mass migration of various tribes. One group of migrants encountered the ancient Zeth Thalosi, who were established seafarers residing along the Oram coast. The blending of these peoples led to the formation of the Thalosians.   The Thalosians, embracing their maritime heritage, built flourishing port cities. By 800 BRE, these cities had evolved into independent city-states, each governed by local councils. The city-states were marked by economic prosperity derived from trade and rich cultural exchange.  

Thalosian Confederation

As the city-states thrived, they maintained cordial relations and mutual protection pacts, which led to the formation of the Thalosian Confederation. The Confederation was a decentralised alliance, allowing each city-state to retain its governance while coordinating on matters of defence, trade, and diplomacy.  

Alliance with Namorian Kingdom

In 480 BRE, as the Namorian Kingdom sought dominance over the Eastern Province, the Thalosian Confederation entered into an alliance with the Namorians. The alliance was mutually beneficial; the Namorians gained access to the Thalosians' naval expertise and docks, while the Thalosians received a portion of the former Lanathal lands as part of the agreement.  

Transformation into Thalmorians

By 28 RE, in the Age of the Republic, the Thalosians had assimilated with the Namorians to a significant extent, and they sought to join the newly established Namorian Republic. They were peacefully integrated by 30 RE and were renamed the Thalmorians.


The disbandment of the Thalosian Confederation occurred in 28 RE, when the Thalosians, whose population by then was significantly intermixed with the Namorians and referred to as Thalmorians, voluntarily chose to integrate into the Namorian Republic. The Thalosian Confederation, which had been a prosperous collective of maritime city-states, dissolved as its governance structures merged into the Republic's institutions. In recognition of their support during the revolutionary period that led to the establishment of the Republic, the Thalmorians were granted certain privileges including the establishment of free towns and unions with local autonomy and lesser guild influence, which allowed them to preserve aspects of their maritime heritage and traditions within the broader political framework of the Namorian Republic.

Trade & Transport

The economy of the Thalosian Confederation was primarily based on maritime trade. With their skilled seafarers and navigators, the Thalosians developed extensive trade networks, dealing in goods such as spices, textiles, and precious metals. The port cities became hubs of economic activity and cultural exchange.
Dissolution Date
28 RE
Political, Confederation
Neighboring Nations


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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