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The Manifesto of the True Rat King

Whiskers, Whimsy, and Urban Legends

"We, the whiskered denizens of Namor's depths, hereby squeak our case for equality!"
-The Manifesto of the True King Rat
In the annals of Namorian history, few documents have stirred as much amusement, debate, and unexpected consequences as the infamous "Manifesto of the True Rat King." First appearing in 298 RE on the streets of Namor, this peculiar proclamation, purportedly authored by the sovereign of all rats, sparked a period of urban myth-making and social commentary that continued to resonate for years afterwards.

The Document

The manifesto, written in an elegant script with several inky paw prints in the margins, was found nailed to doors of various establishments and public notice boards throughout Namor. A few were found in bottles in the Naiada River and some were even deposited in the hands of the occasional sleeping drunkard.
by tarkinlarson using Midjourney
Its key points included:
  • A demand for recognition of rat sovereignty within Namor's sewers and alleyways.
  • A plea for citizenship rights for all rats, including protection from rat catchers.
  • An offer to enter into diplomatic relations with the human population of Namor.
  • A reminder of rats' invaluable service in the Rat Post system.
  • An appeal for understanding, claiming rats were misunderstood and vital to urban ecology.
  • A denouncement of the human "Rat King" as a false leader of rats.
  • A warning about "shadowy creatures lurking in the depths" and an offer of alliance against them.
    "Our tails may be long, but our memories are longer - we know your secrets, Namorians!"
    - The Manifesto of the True Rat King

    Public Reaction

    The manifesto's appearance caused a stir in Namor. Reactions ranged from amused disbelief to genuine concern about the city's rodent population. Some highlights included:
    • The Rat Catchers Union issued a grumpy statement, insisting that "rats can't write, but they can certainly be written off."
    • Several taverns created "Rat King" themed drinks, including the popular "Sewer Sovereign Sour."
    • Street performers began incorporating rat puppets into their acts, staging dramatic readings of the manifesto to delighted crowds.
    • The Fools Court, Namor's renowned comedy theater, staged a series of satirical plays featuring a bumbling "Rat King" trying to navigate human bureaucracy.
    • A few enterprising souls started "Rat King Walking Tours" of the city's most notorious alleyways and grates.

    Copycat Manifestos

    In the weeks following the True Rat King's manifesto, several copycat manifestos appeared, with varying amounts of effort and credibility.
    • "The Pigeon Proclamation" called for "statue-top sovereignty" and "bread crumb reparations."
    • "The Meowifesto" called for mandatory daily petting sessions for all cats.
    • "The Cockroach Codex" demanded "equal scurrying rights"
    • "The Sewer Slug Scroll" simply left a slimy trail across the page.
    "We were here first, and we'll be here last."
    - The Cockroach Codex

    Authorship Debate

    Speculation ran wild about the true author of the manifesto:
    • A genuine attempt at communication by an exceptionally literate rat fueled by cheese and ambition (suggested primarily by the inebriated)
    • A clever satire by an anonymous political pundit, commenting on Namorian society's class divisions.
    • An elaborate prank by the one of the many student bodies in the city.

    The Human Rat King

    The most commonly suspected author was Zeffal, Namor's most renowned rat trainer and Rat Post operator. He was the self declared "Rat King" - a title in name only for the most reputable rat handler in the city. Zeffal vehemently denied any involvement, issuing a statement in Rat Cant.
    "I work with rats, not for rats. Besides, my handwriting is far worse."
    - Zeffal, the "traditional" Rat King

    Cryptid Consequences

    Perhaps the most unexpected outcome of the manifesto was the legitimization of urban legends about creatures lurking in Namor's undercity. The idea of an organized rat society and the mention of other creatures in the shadows of the undercity led to increased speculation about other potential denizens of the sewers and tunnels.
    by tarkinlarson using MidJourney
    Soon, tales of the Umbral Horde, Tunnel Terrors, and the infamous Muck Monster gained new traction in popular imagination.
    "Our whiskers sense danger that your eyes cannot see. Unite with us against the shadows!"
    - The Manifesto of the True Rat King


    While the manifesto didn't lead to significant societal changes, it left a lasting mark on Namorian popular culture:
    • Original copies became coveted collectors' items, sold in curiosity shops for hefty sums.
    • An annual "Running of the Rats" festival was established, where people dressed as rats race through the streets.
    • The phrase "pulling a Rat King" entered the lexicon, meaning to make audacious demands from a position of weakness.
    • Sewer tourism briefly boomed, with guided "cryptid-spotting" tours becoming a popular, if smelly, pastime.
    • Rat-themed art experienced a renaissance, from sewer pipe sculptures to epic murals depicting heroic rats battling shadow monsters.
    by tarkinlarson using Midjourney
    Statement, Political (Manifesto)
    Authoring Date
    298 RE
    The Manifesto of the True Rat King   Timeline
    World History



    The Encyclopaedia
    Divines, Spirits and their Realms
    The Atlas
    Chronicle of War
    The Almanac

    Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Jul 15, 2024 09:49 by I J Black

    As a lover and keeper of rats for many years, I can't love this enough.

    Jul 15, 2024 10:31

    Thank you. I always enjoy expanding on this part of my world - although I have to be careful not to be tempted to insert too many rat based puns.

    Aug 8, 2024 23:51

    This is one of the funniest articles I've read. Enjoyed every single word!

    Hope you have a fantastic day!
    Aug 11, 2024 13:50

    Hi and thanks for the comment. I really enjoyed writing it so I'm glad you enjoyed reading it.   It's a bit of lightweight fun I had in my usually darker and more serious world. I always like the way that some moments like this - fashions and fads - happened in civilizations from the beginning of time, yet we'll never know about most of them.

    Aug 16, 2024 22:24

    This piece is a delightful and creative exploration of a whimsical urban legend that cleverly blends humor, social commentary, and imaginative world-building. The Manifesto of the True Rat King is presented with a perfect balance of satire and sincerity, making the reader smile while simultaneously immersing them in the quirky culture of Namor. The inclusion of public reactions, copycat manifestos, and cryptid consequences adds layers of depth and entertainment to the narrative, making it feel like a living piece of Namorian history. The writing is lively, engaging, and full of personality, leaving a lasting impression of this unique and humorous tale.