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Amidst Stoze's intricate political landscape, the emblem of House Black emerges—a dark black house standing tall against a backdrop of crimson. With the motto "Vinculum Aeternum" – Bond for Eternity, this noble house declares an enduring commitment that spans the annals of time. For centuries, House Black has stood as the unwavering pillar of support for House Ravenswood, the royal family of Stoze, earning them a position of unparalleled influence within the kingdom.   The black house, a symbol of loyalty and protection, embodies the core values of House Black. As steadfast guardians of Stoze's prosperity, they have navigated the intricate web of politics and power with a dedication that surpasses mere duty. In the crimson field, the color of passion and shared commitment, House Black's emblem reflects not only their allegiance to the Ravenswoods but also their integral role in shaping the destiny of the kingdom. Their influence stretches beyond mere servitude, painting a narrative of shared destinies and a bond that transcends the bounds of time.   Within the corridors of power, House Black occupies a pivotal position, second only to House Ravenswood. Their unwavering loyalty has been rewarded with authority, and their legacy is deeply intertwined with the fate of Stoze. As they stand sentinel over the kingdom, the black hound remains a symbol not just of vigilance, but of the eternal bond that binds House Black to the heart and soul of Stoze—a bond that endures through the ages.

“Vinculum Aeternum” – Bond for Eternity

by AI generated using Nightcafe
Family Leader
Controlled Territories

Articles under Black

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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