Blackpool Building / Landmark in Timeuria | World Anvil
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  North Road  
  • Royal Embassy
  East Road  
  • Merchant Guild
  • Market Road
  West Road  
  • Black Estates
  South Road  
  • Military Barracks and training

Purpose / Function

Built along the major intersecting trade routes within Stoze, the intent of Blackpool was to create a settlement that merchants, travelers and nobles could stop at on the way to their final destinations. It would also serve as a distribution hub for the city of Black Harbor. This would bring more wealth into the pockets of the Black family, furthering their financial hold on the country.


The city has 4 main entry points that intersect the major trade routes and cut directly through the city. The designs inside the walls of the city are fairly plain, prioritizing function over form. The only buildings to exhibit any kind of elegance are the massive manors belonging to the Black, Ravenswood and other influential families. The remaining structures were built with haste in order to allow for quick operations once construction of the town started. This left them almost without exterior details at all; No extra moulding, no ornate doors and no carved columns.


With all of the wealth going in and out of Blackpool a large military presence is stationed here at all times. There are daily and nightly patrols that roam the boundary lands between Blackpool and the neighboring cities. The walls extend high around the city and have various defensive positions all throughout. The gates to the city are heavily reinforced not only physically but also magically. There is a group of highly skilled mages that reside full time in Blackpool and are devoted to defending it against arcane attacks.


What started out as a small trading settlement, quickly became the focal point of commerce within Stoze. Originally it was used as a stepping stone to make the longer journeys easier to manage. Now all major ports funnel resources through Blackpool, dropping off supplies within the city to be distrubited from there to the necessary locations. By offloading the final delivery responsibility to Black Shipping this allowed the other cities to get more resources back and forth.   This massive trade expansion caused an economic boom which lasted for generations, supplying untold wealth to the noble houses of Stoze. This gave them more bargaining power against the other nations like Ustya and Estrya and cemented Blackpool in the history books as one of the greatest assets to Stoze.
Founding Date
11256 BE
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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