Darkthorn Organization in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Against a backdrop of deep burgundy, the emblem of House Darkthorn unfurls—a formidable black thorn bush with reaching thorns that declare their presence with unyielding strength. The motto, "Fortitudo Aeterna, Custodes Tenebrarum" – Eternal Strength, Guardians of Darkness, resonates with the family's commitment to enduring power and their role as staunch protectors of the shadows. Positioned as the third most powerful family in Stoze, just below House Black, House Darkthorn wields influence that echoes through the corridors of the kingdom.   The Darkthorn family bloodline has been said to be some of the most powerful magic users throughout the history of Timeuria. The Darkthorn name first gained national notice with Lady Tereza Darkthorn, an exceptionally gifted witch said to rival all before and after her. She helped the Ravenswood family during the Realmswar to retake the capital and also in the aftermath of the war when Queen Vanesa Ravenswood I was securing more land for the nation of Stoze.   They have prominent positions of power as Knights of the Black Rose, the royal army of Stoze. They also hold the position of Warden of Dreadstone via Rowena Darkthorn as well as Derrick Darkthorn being Chancellor to the Queen, Isolde Ravenswood. Their allegiance to house Ravenswood after the realmswar allowed them to ascend the political ladder within Stoze far beyond what they had achieved on their own prior.   The black thorn bush, a symbol of resilience and formidable strength, epitomizes House Darkthorn's unwavering commitment to Stoze's prosperity. Their loyalty, while primarily aligned with House Ravenswood, bears nuances as some family members tread paths that diverge from the traditional allegiances. Notable among them is Silas Darkthorn, the former ruler of Duskwood, who severed familial ties due to disagreements with the allegiance to House Ravenswood and the Cult of the Black Rose. The family even through their internal struggles remains a powerful force within Stoze


Originally hailing from Ashar, now known as Drakoria, the Darkthorn family brought their knowledge of magic and wealth to Stoze to start over during the Realmswar. Vanesa Ravenswood was happy to have another powerful ally within the country and helped them locate a prime location for their first settlement just about 2 hours ride from Raven's Roost. This was the moment in which the two houses became connected. The Darkthorn family saw great success after the Ravenswood family took power and as a result began to offer their expansive knowledge of the arcane arts to the Queen and the first chancellor was appointed.

“Fortitudo Aeterna, Custodes Tenebrarum” – Eternal Strength, Guardians of Darkness

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Family Leader
Controlled Territories

Articles under Darkthorn

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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