Duskwood Building / Landmark in Timeuria | World Anvil
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  Luminance District  
  • Thornwood Academy
  • Augury and Alchemy
  Bright Quarter  
  • Darkthorn Manor
  Light's End  
  • Empty Knight Inn

Purpose / Function

Duskwood's original purpose was the home and settlement for the Darkthorn family but quickly became a center of information about magic and how to use it. It currently sits as the top society for the study of the arcane within the nation. Students of Thornwood Academy are among the elite within Stoze and only the strongest spellcasters can even make it past the entrance exam.


The Thornwood academy serves a dual purpose, both educating the next generation of witches and wizards but also providing powerful spellcasters to help defend the city. It's spires seem to reach endlessly, providing excellent vantage points to look out at the land surrounding the city.   The walls encompassing Duskwood provide a physical barrier as well as battlements to thwart off any attackers. They are stationed full time with guards that also patrol the land outside the walls.


Duskwood originally started out as a small settlement for the Darkthorn house and their servants after they migrated to stoze from Drakoria, fleeing from the tyranny of Astarion and his army. They took their wealth and ships and sailed to Stoze where they created the town of Duskwood. The city marked a fresh start for the Darkthorn family who began using it as a location for teaching the arcane arts.   Word spread to the far reaches of Stoze that a new school had opened up in the town of Duskwood and that the instructors were extremely powerful and talented wizards. This drew in other wizards and magic users from all across the country and brought untapped revenue to the family. This was used to fuel the development of Duskwood into a bustling city of knowledge.


Wizards, Warlocks, Sorcerers, and many other spellcasters within Stoze travel to Duskwood annually to witness the graduating ceremony which involves a massive display of magical prowess to demonstrate the skills acquired at the academy. This marks the start of the Luminance Festival which is a 2 days long. The second day revolves around the trade of magical items as well as information.
Founding Date
11629 BE
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by AI generated using Nightcafe


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